The American Revolution/ The war of Independence

  • Déclaration of Rights and Grievances to the Crown

    British government circles = little awareness
    Colonies refused Parliament's power except for trade = not independence
  • First Continental Congress

    The congress takes place in Philadelphia, it is composed of 51 delegates, stating England went too far (taxation without representation = unacceptable)
    => Boycott on imports of English goods (enforced by Continental Association in all colonies)
    => Supporting Massachusetts: "all Americans ought to support them in resistance"
  • Second Continental Congress

    Voted Independance
  • Olive Branch Petition

    10/05/1775: 2nd Continental Congress
    The petition is a peace treaty, the patriots offered to remain British citizens but king George 3 refused.
    So open war:
    British force included mercenaries from Hesse (Germany)
    Reaction from Americans: mother country is ready to let foreign soldiers rape, steal and kill them
    Common sense written by Thomas Pain in 01/1776, enlights natural law and the rights of man, it showed GB exploited the colonies and Americans are better without GB
  • Period: to

    Americans protagonists during the war

    American colonists:
    -1/5 Loyalists = sided with GB (Anglican clergy, merchants with GB trade, backcountry southerners)
    -2/5 Neutral (Westerners, Native Americans, Quakers=pacifist)
    They are condemned by the active revolutionaries: severe penalties
    2/5 Active (people connected to Government+political reformers)
    Black slaves, 5% escaped to the British
    Advantages of British: Money, arms, men
    Advantages of USA: bold strategy, knowledge of the local terrain, French alliance, defending one's homeland
  • The Midnight ride

    William Dawes & Paul Revere: messengers that needed to warn the minutemen.
    Dawes left at 9 pm by land
    Revere left by sea, he arrived at 12 am
    This warning system is more flexible & efficient
  • Lexington & Concord battles

    British troops near Lexington:
    - 77 minutemen
    - Americans ordered to withdraw
    - British soldiers fired = 8 Americans killed and 10 wounded
    British in Concord:
    - 272 militiamen
    - vs 90
  • Early battles

    British took control of the Fort Ticonderoga
  • Battle of Bunker Hill, Massachusetts

    Battle won by the British
    British heaviest losses: 1,100 killed or wounded
    Consequences: Patriots = inflict losses on the British troops, Led colonists to join the American Revolution
    General Gage replaced by General Howe
  • Draft of the Declaration of Independence

    Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Robert R. Livinston wrote this draft
  • Presentation of the Declaration of Independence to the Congress

    They debated during 2 more days, it was signed by the 56 delegates and the first signer is John Hancock
  • Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

  • End of the war: Cornwallis capitulation

    General Cornwallis besieged in Yorktown, Virginia = decisive victory
    Washington's troops on land + French Admiral (de Grasse): navy blocking escape
    => Cornwallis capitulated on 17/10/1781
  • Treaty of Paris

    Negotiated by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay
    US borders:
    -from Atlantic to the Mississippi
    -From Great Lakes to Northern boundary of Florida
    -ignored the Natives
    -Huge debts