The American Revolution: soldiers and Thinkers Unite

  • First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress was made up of delegates, or representatives, from the colonies. it met in Philadelphia. The congress was upset about not having representatives in British Parliament. The first continental congress discussed complaints they had the Britain and created a boycott of British goods. They requested participation in parliament
  • The Intolerable acts

    The Intolerable acts punished mostly Bostonian's but it Affected all colonies. It enraged colonists and put them against Great Britain. Georgia refused to participate but 12 other countries joined in Philadelphia to decide a response
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress took over the functions of the national government. it decided on officials to arrange alliances with the Indian tribes and foreign governments . with the alliances that are formed congress created a Navy to aid the newly formed Continental Army.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition stated the Americas loyalty to the King and begged him to Intervene or the Patriots will be against Parliament. King George Refused the Olive Branch Petition and announced the colonies to be an ¨ open rebellion¨.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The battle of Lexington and Concord was won by the British. About 70 Minute Men refused to leave and a shot was fired. The shot was called "The shot heard around the world" but no one knows who fired the shot. loads of gun fire was fired after it. After several minute men were were left dead and wounded. The patriots were forced to retreat back, another set of patriot troop members attacked the red coats as they left.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The battle of Bunker Hill, was won by the British , the British had lost a 1,000 Redcoats. The Colonists were told not to shoot unless you see the whites of their (British) eyes, The colonists listened and got closer and closer so they could get a more accurate shot.The colonists were forced to Retreat back cause they have little to no gunpowder.
  • Publication Of Common Sense

    the military conflicts increased with Great Britain and patriots wanted Independence. Thomas Paine Published the Common Sense that explained that King George was unworthy of Americans Respect. He encouraged the colonists to break free of England and to be an independent country.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    July 4th 1776 the Declaration OF Independence was signed and America Was free from British power. The declaration was a peace treaty between America and Britian.
  • The Battle Of Princeton

    In Princeton, New Jersey George Washington lead a group of Continental Soldiers in battle against British forces. Washington and his Soldiers emerged from the battle victorious. The battle made British Officials take the Continental Army more serious. Continental Soldiers were excited by their win and decided to reenlist which boosted the the number of the Continental Soldiers
  • Battle Of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga was won by the patriots. The win for the patriots in this battle was unsuspected and a turning point for them in war. This win for the patriots convinced France to help them out and give them the aid that they needed.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    British General Cornwallis went and decided that him and his troop members will make a base at Yorktown. Cornwallis thought that the British navy were in control of the American waters and that George Washington`s troops were busy fighting with the British Soldiers in Pennsylvania and New York.The French Battled the British Army and cornered them so that they would Surrender . Cornwallis surrendered on October 19th, 1781
  • The Treaty OF Paris

    The Treaty Of Paris ended the American Revolutionary War. Both Nations, the United States and Great Britain, signed this treaty. Britain officially recognized America as an independent nation, and pushed Americans to treat loyalists well. as parts of the terms of the treaty, America was awarded a chunk of the Ohio River Valley.