American revolution timeline

The American Revolution (Phase One)

  • Battle Of Concord

    Battle Of Concord
    Once the British troops had arrived in Concord, they searched everywhere and only found a few bags of gun powder and ammo. They wanted to get rid of all the supplies so they started burning it in the farm houses that they had found it in. But the Patriots saw smoke, and they thought it was their houses being burned so they organized a group and when the troops were retreating from Concord, they ambused them and shot at them. The British were so suprised and trapped(CONTINUED ON NEXT BULLET...)
  • Battle Of Concord (CONTINUED)

    Battle Of Concord (CONTINUED)
    ...That they had managed to let the Pariots take control of them and they quickly fled. This was really the first battle that "sparked" the war and that meant the colonists would have to choose sides.
    Picture: This is the British troops retreating from Concord.
    This is a video of the battles of Lexington and Concord.
    (For both battles.)
  • Battle Of Lexington

    Battle Of Lexington
    On April 19th, 1775. Captain John Parker and his troops came face to face with General Gage and his troops in the town of Lexington. The British were traveling to Concord to disarm the Americans when they had confronted the Patriots in a field, and to this day, we still dont know who shot out, but someone shot and a battle had begun but the British soon conquered the Patriots leaving many dead and just kept traveling on their way.
    Picture: This is a 19th century depiction of the Battle.
  • Period: to

    The Siege Of Boston

    The Siege Of Boston was the opening phase of the American Revolution, in which the Patriots surrounded the town of Boston, to prevent movement by the British Army who were traped within. The Americans, led by George Washington, eventually forced the British to withdraw from the town after an 11-month siege, Which meant that the Patriots were now free and always would be!
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    This event occured at one of Britain's larger forts called Fort Ticonderoga. The Patriots wanted to travel to the British fort and steal their artillery and capture thier fort. The Americans that lead this were Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold. The Patriots ended up taking control of the fort and seized their large guns, artillery, and cannons. These later helped the Patriots fight against the British.
    Picture: This picture is of the actual fort that the Patriots siezed.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The Patriot troops,with the help of Colonel William Prescott and Joseph Warren, had surrounded the British in Boston forcing them onto a small island with two hills, the two hills on this island were called Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill. In this case, the Patriots had the control of the British because they were on top of a hill which meant that the British were being shot down by which was a lot more effective then trying to shoot upwards like the British had.Anyway, when the British thought...
  • Bunker Hill (CONTINUED)

    Bunker Hill (CONTINUED)
    They were going to have to surrender, their general, General William Howe had ordered one final charge into the group and with this final charge,that's what helped the British win. Because of this battle, the British need reinforcements and it showed Americans that they could win so it gave them confidence
    .Picture: The picture is of the British charging up Bunker Hill.
  • Battle Of Quebec

    Battle Of Quebec
    On December 31st, 1775, Benedict Arnold and his American troops traveled to Canda to try and take control of it's eastern portion. And if the Patriots were able to take control over Canada, then they would be able to defeat the British. Sadly, the British had made sure the Patriots couldn't take over Canda and were never able to.
    Picture: This picture is of British and Canadian forces attacking.
  • British Retreat From Boston!

    British Retreat From Boston!
    General Geogre Washington and his troops had threatened General William Howe and his British troops that they would bombard the city if the British wouldn't leave so eventually the British gave in and on March 17th, 1776, the Patriots had won Boston back for good!:)
    Picture: The picture is of the British troops retreating from Boston.