The Battle of Lexington
With the british knowing the whereabouts of militia Arsenals, paul revere and other patriots rode out to warn militia troops of the impending danger. 700 Redcoats were sent to concord in order to seize the munitions. 70 minutemen met the Redcoats at Lexington in an attempt to hold off the british as the Overwhelmed Minutemen lasted only 15 minutes before retreating back to concord. -
The Battle Of Concord
On The same day the british marched on to concord and this time were met by between 3,000 to 4,000 Patriots who ambushed the Redcoats who were marching back to boston after finding the Arsenals to be empty. The british soldiers not used to gorilla warfare tactics, fell by the dozen in a bloodbath. To the british this was humiliating defeat. -
The Battle Of Bunker Hill
The British General Gage while pinned at boston by the patriots decided to make a push on minutemen positions at Breed Hill. The Redcoats marched up the hill 2,400 soldiers strong in an attempt to gain the Hill. The Patriots waited until they could see the whites of the redcoats eyes before firing massive volleys against them. inflicting about 1,000 casualties on the british side while patriots lost about 450 men before retreating. -
The Battles Of New York and Trenton
Summer 1776... The british landed 32,000 Redcoats as well as german Mercenaries at the New york harbor to attempt to end the war quickly. The Patriot soldiers outmanned and outgunned at New york retreated by late August. During the late fall the british had successfully pushed Washington and his men across the Delaware river into Pennsylvania. Washington led a daring push on christmas of 1776 to lead 2,400 troops across the Delaware to attack German Mercs. -
The Battle Of Saratoga
British General John Burgoyne led an Expeditionary Force From canada to Albany with the plan of meeting other british Armies to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies. However The other british army instead Abandoned that plan and marched to philadelphia to occupy the city. The continental Army regrouped at New York and New England and fighted off Burgoyne forces which led him to surrender on october 17th 1777 at Saratoga. -
Valley Forge
Winter of this year was harsh and washington with his troops stationed at valley forge. Over 2,000 loyal soldiers to the continental army died during the winter while many other soldiers stood at the encampment. The Army was desperately low on supplies and struggled to survive. -
Marquis De Lafayette
A French leader known as Marquis De Lafayette as well as other foreign leaders came to America in order to support the continental army as well as provide better training. After Lafayette seen how effective the Continental army is he levied for more french troops to be sent to the colonies. -
The Battle Of Yorktown
Lafayette alongside Washington led an Army of 17,000 strong to lead a final push against Corwallis ans his redcoat. The French Navy defeated a British fleet on the Chesapeake Bay as well as creating a naval blockade preventing any British ships from entering the bay. On October 19th 1781 Corwallis surrendered and this feat was seen across the globe. The Patriots won their independence and defeated what was considered a world superpower. -
The Treaty Of Paris
September of 1783 delegates signed the treaty of Paris after An American Peace talks team was sent to Paris to discuss peace. This treaty granted America to be a completely independent nation with its own borders.