American revolution

The American Revolution

By hbriske
  • The Boston Massacure

    A squad of British soilders, went to support a sentry who was being pressed by a crowd. The British officer in charge was arrested for manslaughter.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was when 342 chests of tea was seized during a midnight raid and were thrown into the harbor.
  • The American Revolution Began

    The American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War began.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

  • Battle of Buncker Hill

    The Battle of Buncker Hill was when the British deafeted the Americans on Buncker Hill in Massachusetts.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was signed.
  • Battle of Trenton and Priceton

    George washingtons army crossed the icy Delaware, and then battled Trenton and Peinceton.
  • France entered the American Revolution

    France entered The American Revolution on the side of the colinists.
  • American-French force

    An American French force captured a second British army at Yorktown, ending the war in the United States
  • The American Revolution War ended

    The Americans effectively won their independence.