the second contenial congress
The conial leaders meet in the second contenial congress decided to get more wepons for the soliders. -
the Decloration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson wrote the decloration of independence at the Second Contienal Congress.The decloration was signed in Phlidelpha 1776. So the colonies were nolonger loyal to king gorge the III or great britan. -
Period: to
the revolution
The americans wanted independence from Great Britan. They did 5 years of fighting. In a war when the britsh were winning. Genral Washington had 2 stradigies (1.fight and retreat 2. get spies). -
the battle of trenton
The pairtots started to win wars and the britsh were losing independnce -
the battle of saratoga
the paritots won and the britsh genral ( burgone) serrendered. -
the battle of yorktown
At the final battle the partiots won so the britsh surrendered. -
the treaty of paris
the battle of yorktown didn't end the war the treaty of paris had to be written (to send to the repersenitives of paris).