
The American Revolution

  • Battle at Concord

    Battle at Concord
    The British marched on to Concord
    3,000-4,000 colonial militiamen gathered
    Firing behind trees and walls. British fell by the dozens. British were Defeated, went back to Boston humiliated. British: lost 73 killed, 174 wounded
  • Battle at Lexington

    Battle at Lexington
    British Soldiers told colonial minutemen to put their weapons down
    A shot was fired, no one knew for sure who fired it
    Battle started. Lasted 15 minutes.
    8 minutemen died, ten wounded
    1 British Soldier died
  • Battle At Bunker Hill

    Battle At Bunker Hill
    British General Thomas Gageto strike at militiamen who had dug in on Breed’s Hill, north of the city and near Bunker Hill. in the summer morning of June 17, 1775, Gage sent out nearly 2,400 British troops. The British, began marching up Breed’s Hill.colonists held their fire until the last minute .colonists had lost 450 men, and British had suffered over 1,000 casualties. The Battle of Bunker Hill would prove to be the deadliest battle of the war.
  • battle in New York

    battle in New York
    General William Howe and Admiral
    Richard Howe, joined forces on Staten Island and sailed into New York harbor in the summer of 1776 with the largest British expeditionary force ever assembled—32,000 soldiers, including thousands of German mercenaries, or soldiers who fight solely for money.battle for New York ended in late August with an American retreat following heavy losses.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    The Hessian: German Mercenaries hired by Great Britain to fight against the colonists.
    George Washington and his men crossed the Delaware River with over 2400 troops
    Surrounded the hessian on all sides
    Hessian were out from their Christmas Celebrations
    George Washington and his men killed Hessian, took prisoners, and were able to take the Hessian’s
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The British are harassed by colonial guerilla forces and end up stretching their supply lines.
    The British will surrender to the Colonial forces lead by General horatio gates.
    Saratoga is important because it is a major defeat for the british and shows the French that the colonies may be able to win the war.
    Saratoga is considered the turning point of the war. The French begin to supply arms, men, and their navy to help the colonies.
  • The Fight For Philadelphia

    The Fight For Philadelphia
    General Howe began his campaign to seize the American capital at
    Philadelphia. His troops sailed from New York to the head of Chesapeake Bay, and landed near the capital in late August. The Continental Congress fled the city, while Washington’s troops unsuccessfully tried to block the redcoats at nearby Brandy wine Creek. The British captured Philadelphia, and the pleasure loving
    General Howe settled in to enjoy the hospitality of the city’s grateful Loyalists.

    While British
    troops wintered comfortably in Philadelphia, Washington and his meager. Continental Army struggled to stay alive.Soldiers suffered from exposure and frostbite, and surgeons like Albigensian Waldo worked constantly but often unsuccessfully to save arms and limbs from amputation.
  • British Takes South

    British Takes South
    At the end of 1778, a British expedition easily took Savannah, Georgia, and by the spring of 1779, a royal governor again commanded Georgia. In 1780, General Henry Clinton, who had replaced Howe in New York, along with the ambitious general Charles Cornwallis sailed south with 8,500 men. In their greatest victory of the war, the British captured Charles Town, South Carolina, in May 1780 and marched 5,500 American soldiers off as prisoners of war.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The French are helping the continental army with men, weapons, and warships
    The Americans and the French will corner the British on a small peninsula and bombard them with cannon.The colonists will win
  • British Losses

    British Losses
    Washington ordered Nathaniel Greene, his ablest general, to march south Greene divided his army into two groups, sending 600 soldiers under the command of General Daniel Morgan to South Carolina.When the forces met in January 1781 at Cowpens, South Carolina, the. Continental Army fought back, and forced the redcoats to surrender. Cornwallis won the battle, but the victory cost him nearly a fourth of his troops—93 were killed, over 400 were wounded, and 26 were missing.
  • British Surrendered at Yorktown

    British Surrendered at Yorktown
    Americans and the French closed in on Cornwallis. A French
    naval force defeated a British fleet and then blocked the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay, thereby preventing a British rescue by sea. Meanwhile, about 17,000 French and American troops surrounded the British on the Yorktown peninsula and bombarded them day and night. The siege of Yorktown lasted about three weeks. On October 17, 1781,.