The American Revolution

By DerekT2
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This document, written by Thomas Jefferson, declared that America is now its own country and cuts ties with Great Britain.
  • Battle on Long Island

    Battle on Long Island
    The Patriots were badly defeated as they were outnumbered by the British Army. After this battle, there was a low point for the Continental Army being that many soldiers ran away and some soldiers' terms ended.
  • British Siege of Philadelphia

    British Siege of Philadelphia
    The British captured Philadelphia forcing the Continental Congress to flee.
  • Battle of Trenton and Princeton

    Battle of Trenton and Princeton
    After crossing the Delaware river, the Patriots ambush the Hessian mercenaries and defeat them.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This victory was the turning point of the Revolutionary War as it convinced the French to join and support the colonists in the war.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Alliance
    An official agreement made between the US and France that stated that they would protect each other.
  • Siege of Charleston

    Siege of Charleston
    A major encounter between the British and the US in which the British managed to capture Charleston after the town surrendered.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    This document stated how the US government would be run, but it would soon be thrown out for the Constitution.
  • Battle at Yorktown

    Battle at Yorktown
    The Patriots won this battle, which made the British think about how costly the war is going to be. This made the British surrender even though there were still minor battles that went on.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The American colonists send Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams to make peace with the British representatives. By this time, Spain and France have already made peace with the British.