The American Revolution

  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution was a battle between 1775-1783. The 13 colonies gained independence from Great Britain.
  • Cherokee battle

    Cherokee battle
    Cherokee Indians were defeated by troops from South Carolina. 2,000 South Carolina militiamen led by Colonel Andrew Williamson, were leaded into an Cherokee territory where they were ambushed,.A "ring fight' occurred. This lasted for 2 hours until Williamson led a bayonet causing the Cherokees to flee.
  • Battle Of Princeton

    Battle Of Princeton
    A battle between British and American troops, resulting in an American victory. George Washington manages to evade conflict with General Charles Cornwallis. Cornwallis arrived with his troops in Trenton hoping to defeat Washington’s 5,000 exhausted. Cornwallis knew Washington would try to escape overnight, so he sent some of his men to Delaware river. Instead Washington snuck around the British camp. They met the British and outnumbered them 5 to 1.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This was a 2 part battle fought over 18 days apart. The British won patriot victories at Trenton and Princeton and this made their overconfident leader, General John Burgoyne to attack again. However, there was an outburst of militia, which gave way, so Burgoyne retreated.This war was a considered a turning point of the Revolutionary war because it was the first time the British surrendered to an American army.
  • The Battle of Camden

    The Battle of Camden
    A major victory for British during the American Revolution. This battle was fought between British and the US. The American force under Horatio Gates were forced to march, even though they were ill. Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis learned of Gates’s approach, so he assembled 2,200 regulars and Loyalists. Gates was a poor commander and therefore lost the battle due to outnumbered continentals and dysentery. He was later replaced by Nathanael Greene.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Alliance
    Representatives from the US and France signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce(recognizes the US as an independent nation and encouraged trade between France and America) and the Treaty of Alliance in Paris(military alliance against Great Britain). Wasn't ratified until May of 1778. Appreciation of the American revolutionaries’ democratic ideals and by bitterness at having lost most of their American empire to the British at the conclusion of the French and Indian Wars in 1763 was reasons why...
  • Battle of Quinton's bridge

    During the British occupation of Philadelphia, Holmes covered Quinton's bridge while his men and the British were foraging in the area. New Jersey militia companies were lured into a trap by British Lt. Colonel Charles Mawhood and suffered significant casualties. Mawhood moved several attachments which the Americans under Captain Smith saw, and replaced the planks, 100 men were left on the high ground. Colonel Elijah Hand and his militia stopped the complete annihilation of the American force.
  • Battle of Monmouth

    Battle of Monmouth
    Fought in Monmouth, New Jersey Lt. General Henry Clinton followed orders to march his army north. The plan was to follow a defensive strategy and consolidate New York City. However, their enemy, George Washington stroke a vigorous blow to attack the British rear. Both sides claimed victory because they had similar forces. Clintons was more acceptable because he was able to march without molestation.
  • Battle of Beaufort

    Battle of Beaufort
    The battle took place not long after British forces took control around Savannah, Georgia, which they had captured in December 1778. Prevost sent 200 British regulars to seize Port Royal Island in South Carolina in late January 1779. Major General Benjamin Lincoln, the American commander in the south, sent South Carolina Moultrie from Purrysburg, South Carolina with a mixed force of militia, and a few..The British withdrew first and suffered heavier casualties than the Americans.
  • Battle of Kettle Creek

    Battle of Kettle Creek
    600 loyalists from the Carolinas and Georgia was camping on creek. The British believed if loyalists would flock to the banner if they marched an army through Georgia and the Carolinas. The patriots routed the loyalists heading back to Augusta. This was a significant victory for patriots, providing a morale boost for the Americans. After this battle there was a severe blow to the loyalist in Georgia because the patriot victory confused the British.
  • Benedict Arnold turns traitor

    Benedict Arnold turns traitor
    Arnold was an American general during the Revolutionary war. He is known for betraying his country and becoming friends with the enemy. The second time he remarried, he had a lavish life until substantial debt arose. This and resentment over not being promoted quickly aided in his decision to become a redcoat.
  • The Battle of Rocky Mount

    The Battle of Rocky Mount
    The battle of Rocky Mount took place in South Carolina between 600 loyalist under the control of Lt. Colonel George Turnbull, and 300 patriots led by Lt. Colonel Thomas Sumter. This battle was apart of the American Revolutionary War. American patriots were encouraged after their victory at Williams Planatation, so they combined their force with Sumter, Neal, and Irwin to assault tRocky Mount. However, Summers attack didn't go so well .because Turnbull prepared his men for this attack after he
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    American troops under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan routed British forces under Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton. The Americans inflicted heavy casualties on the British, and the battle was a turning point in the war’s Southern campaign. The Americans rerouted, which the British mistaken and ran into fired rifles and more. Therefore, the Americans won and this provided them with a morale boost.
  • Articles of Confederation are ratified

    Articles of Confederation are ratified
    The Articles of Confederation was first adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777. It established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain. Although it was adopted it was ratified until March 1, 1781 because that's when all 13 colonies accepted it. However, on March 4, 1789 the articles was replaced with the United States Constitution.
  • The battle of Guilford courthouse

    The battle of Guilford courthouse
    British troops under Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis scored a tactical victory at Guilford Courthouse over American forces under Major General Nathanael Greene. However, the British suffered significant troop losses during the battle. Afterward, Cornwallis abandoned his campaign for the Carolinas.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    The siege proved to be the last major land battle of the Revolutionary War. George Washington ordered Lafayette as an opportunity to trap the British. This would keep Cornwallis occupied at Yorktown. Eventually, they went to war for a week, which led to Washington signing the final surrender terms. Charles O' Hara, the leader of British troops surrender later that day because Cornwallis couldn't bring himself to surrender to the Americans.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    A document signed by the American Congress ending the American Revolution. The United States was finally an independent nation. Soldiers were able to return home to their families and George Washington returned to Mt. Vernon because he resigned his command in the army.