Period: to
The Enlightenment
In the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe, thinkers started coming up with new ideas about God, reason, nature, and people. They mixed these ideas together into a new way of looking at the world. This new way of thinking became popular and led to big changes in art, philosophy, and politics. -
The Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty was a secret underground society created due to the social and political ideas of the French and Indian War. -
The Stamp Act of 1765
It required colonist to pay taxes on newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, broadsides, legal documents, dice, and playing cards. -
The Boston Massacre
A "street fight" happened where civilians threw rocks, stones, and snowballs at British soldiers became they didnt like that the soldier's were house in their city. The soldiers then fired upon the civilians killing at least 5 and wounding 6 people -
The Boston Tea party
The American colonist thought that the British was unfairly taxing them. So they threw crates of tea of the ships into the Boston Harbor to protest. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
It was the first major battle of The American Revolution, fought in Charlestown during the siege of Boston. -
Battles of Lexington & Concord
It was the famous 'shot heard 'round the world', It marked the beginning of the American War of independence. -
The Declaration of Independence adopted
American colonists, as a people, had the same rights to self-government as other nations. It gave more independence. -
Battle of Trenton
George Washingtons army defeated Hessian mercenaries at Trenton. The battle lasted one hour and George Washingtons army won. -
Battle of Camden
It was the worst American defeat in the field and left the British in temporary control of the southern colonies. America lost because of strategic and tactical errors from their commander. -
Battle of yorktown
American and French forces that were on land and sea, trapped a major British army on a peninsula at Yorktown. The siege forced the British army to surrender. -
Treaty of Paris
It ended the American revolution and recognized the United States as an independent nation. -
3/5 Compromise
A slave would be counted as 3\5 of a white person for taxation and representation reasons. -
The Great Compromise
It established the United states legislature as a two-house law-making body. It let Congress ban slave trade in 1800 -
The Bill of Rights adopted
The 12 amendments adopted by congress to the states, it guaranteed civil rights and liberties to everyone.