The American Revolution

  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    On this fateful day British soldiers shot into a crowd of colonists in Boston, killing five of them. The colonists were rioting due to the Townson Acts. The founding fathers would remember this incident when declaring independence from Great Britain.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    On this day, about 300 boxes of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor by American patriots disguised as Mohak Indians. This was an act of protest against the tax on tea put in place by the British.
  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    On this night Paul Revere and his compatriot William Dawes rode to Concord to warn the militias there that the British were coming and to move their military stores.
  • The Battle of Concord

    The Battle of Concord
    The Battle of Concord is where the famous "shot heard round the world" was fired. It was also the second battle of the war. This day has been described as "a disaster for the British".
  • The Battle of Lexington

    The Battle of Lexington
    This was where the war first started, it started with an army of British solders walking into Lexington lead by general Thomas Gage. He was met by roughly 70 minutemen lead by John Parker. This encounter was brief with the only loss of life being on the side of the colonists.