The American Revolution

By Keria12
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    brought secular thought to Europe and reshaped the ways people understood issues such a liberty equality, and individual rights
  • Stamp act of 1765

    sought to raise money to pay for this army through a tax on all legal and official papers and publications circulating in the colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    Seven british soldiers fired into crowd of volatile Bostonians, killing five, wounding another six, and angering an entire colony.
  • Son of liberty

    Orchestrating of the boston tea party which ultimately led to the outbreak
  • battles of lexington and concord

    Marked that start of the American war of independence
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Inside Independence Hall beginning in May 1775
  • olive branch petition sent to England

    declaring his own proclamation of rebellion
  • Battle of trenton

    After crossing the Delaware river in a treacherous storm, general george Washingtons army defected a garrison of hessian mercenaries at Trenton
  • Articles of Confederation created

    A sovereign, national government
  • Battle of camden

    More than 2000 british and loyalist troops under Lt. General Lord Cornwallis met and defected over 4000 American troop commanded by the ''Hero of Saratoga''
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ending the war of the American Revolution
  • 3/5 compromise

    Determine that three out of every five slaves were counted when determining a state's total population for legislative representation and taxation
  • great compromise

    provided a dual system of congressional representation
  • Constitution is ratified

    Ratification by 9 of the 13 states enacted the new government
  • Bills of rights adopted

    guarantees civil rights and liberates to the individual