Treaty of Paris (French and Indian War)
Britain claimed of of America east of the MIssissippi River after they had won the Seven Years War. France rewarded Spains help with New Orleans, Louisiana, and the French Territory west of Mississippi. Britain gave Spain Cuba and the Philippines back in exchange for Florida. This treaty ended French Power in North America.
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Proclamtion of 1763
Because of Pontiac's Rebellion, the British government could see that defending Western lands could be costly. They issued the Proclamation of 1763, which forbade colonists to settle west of the Appalachians. This made the colonists angry because they thought they had a right to settle the Ohio River Valley.
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Sugar Act
Parliamnet passed the Sugar Act that placed a tax on sugar, molasses, and other products shipped to the colonies. Much of the colonists were angered and protested saying "Taxation without representation is Tyranny!"
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Quartering Act
The Quartering Act was given on May 3rd 1765 and stated that American colonists would be forced to house British soilders this Act was expired on March 24th 1767 though. -
Stamp Act
This was a law that required all legal documents to have a stamp on it saying the tax had been paid. The Stamp Act was issued directly onto the colonists. Many Colonial leaders protested, because they felt they shouldn't be taxed without representation in Parliament. -
The Boston Massacre
In 1768 1,000 British soilders arrived in the streets of Boston and were not met happily. Tensions grew slowly and on the night of March 5th, 1770 it became violent. A group of dockworkers started yelling and throwing things and the British and a fight broke out and the soilders began to fire. This was called the Boston Massacre and began an uproar in the colonies. Many blamed the Britsh but John Adams argued that they shot back in self-defense.
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Tea Act
This was an Act that placed a tax on tea to initially help controol smuggling of British tea. This was also because Britain wanted the colonists to buy tea from them and not import from other countries. This tax lead to many protests and eventually the Boston Tea Party. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty. They went into the Boston Harbor at night, dressed as Indians, and dumped an entire British Tea supply into the Harbor to protest the taxation of tea and other goods. This protest had a strong impact on the start of the American Revolution. -
Intolerable Act
The second Quartering Act, June 2nd 1774, (Intolerable Acts) was made in response to the Boston Tea Party and allowed a govenor to house troops in other buildings such as barns or or inns. This act expired March 27th, 1776. -
First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia in SEptember of 1774 where delagets from all colonies execpt from Georgia met. They voted to ban all trade with Britain until the Intolerable Acts were repealed. They also called each colony to start training troops. This meeting was what some call the seeds of a future independent government.
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Battles of Lexington and Concord
On April 19, 700 British troops marched into Lexington and ordered the Americans to drop their weapons but none did. After that they marched into Concord and where they distroyed military supplies. A battle broke out where 4,000 militiamen apeared for the Patriots. The Brotosh soon retreated back to Boston. The Battles of Lexington and Concord are known as the first battles in the American Revolution.
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Second Continental Congress
The Second Conitnental Congress met in Philadelphia with delagetes from each colony. They agreed to form the Continental Army which would fight the British. They alos appointed George Washinton as the General and allowed the printing of paper money to pay for the troops. The Continental Congress was starting to become a government. -
The Battle of Bunker Hills
The Americans learned that the Britsh were planning to send troops out of the city to occupy hills around the city. When Britain learned of this they planned an attack against them. The colonies were badly attacked and retreated back apon Bunker Hill. This was a victory for the British but they suffered many deaths. -
Thomas Paine's Common Sense
Most people in early 1776 did not support a break from Britain but after Thomas Paine's, Common Sense, was published many peoples minds were changed. Paine argued that all monarchies are corrupt and in the end was published more than 100,000 times.
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Thomas Paine's The American Crisis
Thomas Paine was a political writter who had witnessed the hard conditions and sadness of the soilders during the low point of the war. This when he decided to write, The American Crisis, to help them keep fighting. This was the first of a series of pamphlets written from 1776 to 1783 seen by many Americans.
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Declaration of Independence
This was a statement, written by Thomas Jefferson, adopted by the Continnental Congress, where it told Britain that they were going to become and independant nation. America had been at war with britain at the time this document was written and decided it was time to seperate. It was signed by 56 delagetes from the Continnental Congress and then published to be shown and read around the colonies. -
Battle of Long Island
After defeating the British in the Seige of Boston, Washington brought the troops to New York City to defend. The Brish soon landed on shore and attacked. This battle was a large victory for the British and also a large loss for the Americans. It was one of the first major battles that took place after America had declared its independence from Britain. -
Battle of Trenton
After Washington crossed the Delaware River, The battle of Trenton took place. Becuas eof the intense crossing of the river it made it alot harder for Washingtons Continental army to fight the Hessians. After a short battle, nearly all the Hessians were captured. This victory boosted the Continental army's support from other countries. -
Battles of Saratoga
The Battles of Saratoga, which was September 19 and October 7th, decided the fate of General Burgoynes army and is considered by many the turning point in the American Revolutionary War. Burgoyne decided to surrender to the Continnental Army. The result was that is convinces the European nations that America might win the war and that Benedict Arnold was angry and betrays his army. -
Winter at Valley Forge
In 1777 the Americans were forced to retreat to Valley Forge in southeast Pennsylvania. The army was extrememly short on supplies and were forced to live in horrible conditions. This harsh winter was known to show the great hardships the Americans faced during the war. Many soilders died from disease while some just left the army. The rest of the soilders pushed through the winter because of their love for their country and for George Washington. -
Battle of Yorktown
The Batlle of Yorktown was a victory for the Americans who were led by general George Washington. They battled the Britsh along with their French allies. The surrender of Lord Cornwallis was what made us win.This was very important in the American Revolution and eventually led to the Treaty of Paris and the Declaration of Independance. -
Treaty of Paris (Revolutionary War)
The Treaty of Paris was what ended the Revolutionary War and it included six conditions: The United States was independent. The boundaries were: the Mississippi river on the west, Canada on the North, Spanish Florida on the south. The US could fish off of Canada's Atlantic Coast. Each side would repay debts it owed the other. The British would return any enslaved persons they had captured and Congress would recommend states return seized property to Loyalists. Neither lived up to Treatys terms