The Battle of Concord and Lexington.
The battle was between British and Lexington.
The colonist won. -
The Battle of Bunker Hill
This battle was to help bost the American's confidence.
A famous quote was " Dont fire till you see the whites of their eyes." -
The Olive Branch Pettion.
It was adopted by the Contiental Congress. -
Common Sense
IThe date above was when it was first anoymously published.
It is a pamplet Written by Thomas Paine. -
The Declaration of Independance.
The Congress voted on July 2nd to Declare Independance from Great Britsn. -
Washington Crossing the Delaware.
It was the first move in a suprise attack led by George Washington. -
The battle of Saratogs
In desparation Burgoyne reteated to Sarotaga.
The Ticonderoga won. -
The battle of King's Mountain
The battle was between the Patriot's and the Loyalist.
The Patriot's defeated the Loyalist. -
The battle of Yorktown
It led to The Treaty of Paris.
The last major war in the American Revolution.
The American's beat the british in this battle. -
The Treaty of Paris
The Treaty was between Great Britan and The United States.