Stamp Act
The government puts a tax on the colonists called the Stamp Act. This act requires them to pay tax for any goods that they buy. The Stamp Act is the incubation stage of when you start getting sick. This is the incubation stage because they taxed the colonists for a long time before they took action to stop it. -
Boston Massacre
Troops shoot and kill five men in and incident known as the Boston Massacre. Some of the Townshened Acts where repealed after another boycott but the tea was still remained taxed. -
Boston Tea Party
The Sons of Liberty boarded three ships in the Boston Harbor in 1773. Led by Paul Revere and Samuel Adams the Sons of Liberty dumped hundereds of crated of tea into the harbor. They were protesting the tax on the tea. This is known as the Boston Tea Party. They Boston Tea Party is the syptomatic stage or when the sickness starts to affect the person because its when the colonist took action for when they didn't want to pay tax anymore on the tea. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Sons of Liberty expected a war after the Boston Tea Party. They went out and hid their weapons in the country side and towns west of Boston. In 1775 hundrededs of Britishs troops marched outside of Boston towards Lexington and Concord. they confronted about 75 militiamen in Lexington . Then they started fighting and the American Reveloution began. -
Olive Branch Petition
Many of the people didnt want to break away from Britian. Many were angry with they government and throught that they could reach an agreement with the King that would right the wrong doings to them. -
Decleration of Independence
On July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Decleration of Independece. The Decleration was an expression of Enlightenment of political philosophy. These ideas were stated in the Preamble. They drew ideas from the Bill of Rights. -
Second Continental Congress
56 delegated men from twelve colonies met together to talk about secret things. Some of the people that were there were Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams. -
Revolutionary War
The Second Continental Congress assigned George Washington as commanding general of the army. In 1777 the British defeated Washington's army in new Jersey. Then Washington and his army spent a bitter winter at Valley Forge. -
Forming a New Government
After the American Revolution was over the colonists had to form a new government and nation. -
Treaty of Paris
In September 1783 the British government reconized the independece of the United States by signing the Treaty of Paris. The treaty set the geograohic boundries for the new United States. The convalescence stage is the Treaty of Paris because the treaty stopped the war and said that the United States had independence. -
Article of Confederation
People gather together and wrote a new constitution.The constitution created the federal system of the government. Certain powers are held by the federal government and other power is by the state. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. They wanted protection of the citizens rights to be added in the Constitution. -
Impact of American Government
A new government was created on the priciples of liberty and equality. Also the courage and the determination of soliders who fought in the Revolution.