Washington crosses delaware

The American Revolution.

  • Period: to

    Important Dates

  • The British Leave Boston.

    The British Leave Boston.
    In Massachusetts, the Continental Army countinued its siege of Boston. Neither side would break however, Washington was on his way with cannons, which, was very difficult since there were no roads across the snow-covered mountains. It took them two months todrag the 59 heavy weapons to Boston, where they arrived in January 1776, by the leadership of American General Henry Knox. Washington positioned the cannons at the British and threatened them, The British withdrawed his troops and left Boston
  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    Battle Of Bunker Hill
    Battle fought on Breeds hill. The British set Charelstown on fire, then climbed Breeds hill torwards the American militia. The redcoats eventually forced the militia off the hill, winning the battle. The British won at a tremenous cost, more than 1000 were killed or wounded, compared to only 400 of the militia.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    Moderates in Congress drafted the Olive Branch Petition and sent it to London. This document asked the king to restore harmony between Britian and the colonies. The king rejected it and punished them by using the Brtish navy to block the American ships from leaving their ports. He also sent 1000's of German soldier to fight the Americans, but they weren't going to back down, and they barely could fight one battle.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    Document that declared American independence from Britian.
  • The Battle Of Long Island.

    The Battle Of Long Island.
    Britians General Howe arrived in New York with a large army. Then in August, more soldiers arrived,including about 9,000 Hessians mercenaries. At the Battle of Long Island the Americans were defeated.
  • Victory at Trenton

    Victory at Trenton
    Washington's troops rowed across the icy Delaware River to New Jersey. From there, they marched in bitter, early-morning cold to Trenton to surprise the Hessians, some of whom were sleeping after their Christmas celebration. The Americans captured or killed more than 900 Hessians and gained needed supplies.
  • Battle Of Saratoga

    Battle Of Saratoga
    a series of conflicts in 177 near Albany, New York.
  • The Hardship Of Valley Forge

    The Hardship Of Valley Forge
    On the march to Valley Forge, Washington's army lacked supplies. Many soldiers had only blankets to cover themselve.They also lacked shoes, the barefoot men left tracks of blood on the frozen ground as they marched. They lacked food and warmth, also a quarter of them died from malnutrition, exposure, or diseases.Luckily ,Philadelphia women drove ten teams of oxen into camp which, were pulling full supplies and 2,000 shirts.Then the oxen were killed to povide food for the troops.
  • First Rhode Island Regiment

    First Rhode Island Regiment
    General Washington hoped to take Newport, Rhode Island, from British. But a storm damaged the ships, americans retreated. A regiment of African Americans saved the day by holding the enemy at bay.
  • Clark's Army

    Clark's Army
    Clark led a group of frontiersmen to Kaskaskia, a British fort guarding the Mississippi River. They captured Kaskaskia without a fight. Also, a small force sent by Clark had taken Vincennes, but British forces under Henry Hamilton had recaptured it.