The American History

  • Colonies

    In November 1620, a hundred migrants sailed from Plymouth, England, aboard the ship Mayflower, to the coast of Massachusetts at Cape Cod. Before disembarking, the passengers called the «Peregrine Fathers») sign together a pact (the «Mayflower Compact») that lays the foundations of American democratic practice.
  • Independance

    Originally it was only 13 colonies on the Atlantic coast. Since then, the country has grown considerably .Independence was proclaimed on 4 July 1776 in Philadelphia.This date is commemorated each year with fireworks and celebrations. Then began an 8-year war of independence against the British. In 1781,at the Battle of Yorktown, the Americans won the war. In 1783, in the Treaty of Paris, England finally recognized the United States as an independent country.
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    Western expansion

    process of colonisation
    Thomas jefferson buy Louisania from France in 1805 and Florida and Spain in 1819
    And after that Texas joined in 1845 after to have become free of Mexico.The purpose is equality and freedom for all of citizens
    It is the end of revolution War british control of USA
  • Constitution

    From 1776 to 1787 the United States was formed of 13 states rather separated from each other with little centralized power which quickly provoked revolts. In 1787 the states decided to make a constitution.The delegates meeting at the Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 developed a federal constitution.It is based on three principles. For all the rest the Member States of the Union remain masters at home.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The United States Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the American Constitution. It limits the powers of the federal government and guarantees freedom of the press, speech, religion, assembly, the right to bear arms, and property. Adopted by the House of Representatives on 21 August 1789 and Congress on 26 September
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    civil war

    The Civil war ripped the USA apart during 4 years and did 617000 deaths. It ended on the abolition of slavery, the consolidation of US constitutions and ruin. This has been a terrible period for all the country and for all of citizens.
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    Rise of Industrial America

    It was during the colonial times the Europeans have settled in North of America.As a result of this 13 English colonies saw their economy increase and the american revolution.This period was also marked by the country’s rise as a productive and trading power.