The American Dream

By grace32
  • Puritans fled pursecution

    Puritans fled pursecution
    Flee religious persecution In England and settle in the America's in the 17th century
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
    Put every man equaly where human rights and self government were concerned.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The term was coined in July August of 1845. It was the beielf that America was destined to expand from "sea to shining sea."
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Began when James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California discovered gold. THe news brought 300,000 people to California in search of gold and wealth. The people traveleing in search of gold were called "fourty-niners"
  • Statue Of Liberty

    Statue Of Liberty
    Dedicated on October 28, 1886 as a gift from France. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door. ”
  • The Epic Of America by James Trusiow Adams

    The Epic Of America by James Trusiow Adams
    Traces America's path to show how America has become so unlike any other nation.
  • Social Security

    Social Security
    Social Security was made available to everyone in 1933. It made life "better, and richer, and fuller."
  • Life Magazine Published

    Life Magazine Published
    Declared that the US should no longer remian on the sidelines of World War 2, but use it's might to promote this countries "love of freedom."
  • GI Bill

    GI Bill
    Offered returning veterans low interest loans with no money down payments on a house and college or high school. Severenhousing shortage and a boom in young families for the rapid development in Suburbia.
  • First Levitt House

    First Levitt House
    2 bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen, unfurnished attic/loft that could be converted into another bedroom, no basement or garage. Cost about $8,000. (45% of people owned their own homes.)
  • Landing On The Moon

    Landing On The Moon
    Thousands on Americans watched on TV as Neil Armstrong, take man's first step on the moon.
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    Martin Cooper invented the first analog mobile phone call using a heavy prototype model. John F. Mitchell, Motorola's chief of portable communication products, Cooper's boss, was also named on the patent.
  • Steve Jobs/ Apple

    Steve Jobs/ Apple
    Steve Jobs invented the apple computer in his garage along with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976. Wayne left shortly after leaving Jobs and Wozniak as co-founders of Apple. Wozniak was 21 and Jobs was 16.
  • 9/11

    Collapsing on the twin towers on September 11th 2001 was a day of fright for every American, a form of terrorism and proof that no-one is truely safe.