Alter rebbe

The Alter Rebbe - Central Events

By I man
  • The Birth

    The Birth
    Rabbi Schneur Zalman was born to his parents, Rabbi Baruch and Rebbetzin Rivkah, near Liozna in the province of Mohilev, Belarus, on the 18th of Elul. This was the same day on which Rabbi Yisrael, the Baal Shem Tov, had been born forty-seven years earlier.
  • Becomes the Maggid of Liozna

    Becomes the Maggid of Liozna
    n 1783 R. Schneur Zalman was appointed to the position of maggid (preacher) in the town of his birth, Liozna. From this time he began delivering public discourses on a regular basis, and his teachings were disseminated far and wide.
  • First Arrest

    First Arrest
  • Second Arrest

    Second Arrest
  • The Passing

    The Passing