The Age of Reform

By Larry23
  • Progressives

    People from every social and wage class banned togther to from the progressives. All these people shared in the idea that things should be made equal. Still fighting for that today im assuming. The progressives had there fingers in every argument even social ones which can be viewd as the biggest.
  • social problems

    social problems
    Progressives wanted the people to have a greater controll over the govenments, sort of what we fight for today. The progressives wanted the government to be more responsive to the desires of the people not to the desires of there pockets. Progressives strongly believing in science study social issues and picked some of the best soloutions to them.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition passed in 1902 was brought in to morally reform the commom man. Alcohol was made illeagal to posses sell and move alcohol. Things that were exspected to come out of this quickly back fired. Enforcing this law was to exspensive to keep and in time it was revoked and taxed instead.
  • Progressive and the supreme

    Progressive and the supreme
    Many cases were brought against state laws. Like muller vs. Oregon an employer challenged a state law. Most challenge toward state laws consisted of working hours and restrictions that some employers found unfair.
  • Reforming city life

    Reforming city life
    City planners and others believed that if a city was clean and well organized the citizens ethic would also improve with it. Planners like Daniel Nurnham made a plan to completely redesign chicago.His plan was based around building up government buildings to inspire citizens to be "good".
  • Racial Descrimination

    Racial Descrimination
    Racism as true then as it is today, was somthing that always brought down the colored man. Luckily a man named Du Bois began helping the african americans. Bringing in colored leaders from around the world to help the unity between races.
  • Strikes like the IWW

    Strikes like the IWW
    Workers began to ban together, to challenge their employers. Workers had a forced hand with low wages being cut whenever the company felt it would increase profits. Unions were formed together to fight for the common worker. During the IWW strike there wishs were granted after a brutal 2 month strike.
  • Immigrants and Assimilation

    Immigrants and Assimilation
    Progressive workers also tried to improve on the live of immagrants. such as living conditions education and instilling moral ways. Alos immagrants were taught american history and governmental ways.
  • Education for Women

    Education for Women
    Progressive issues ruled the u.s. in 1920. Like womens rights, and other alike issues would soon be fixed. The first step towards this was education for women. The stepping stones layed for equality was layed when women attended Vassar College.
  • Labor Reform

    Labor Reform
    in 1938 labor union activist campaigned for new laws that would prohibit and or limit child labor. Which is a good thing for the children during this time. An example to the crule practices on children is somtimes when children were so tired they splashed water on them to keep them awake.