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The Age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign (green)

    Italian Campaign (green)
    A part of Napoleon’s early military career where he conquered most of northern Italy. A great success for his military career.
  • Egyptian Campaign (red)

    Egyptian Campaign (red)
    Napoleon was defeated by Admiral Horatio Nelson in the Battle of the Nile. This failure lead to Napoleon’s retreat to France.
  • Consulate (green)

    Consulate (green)
    A three-man governing board meant to replace the weak directory. This was one of Napoleon’s successes that helped get rid of privilege the feudal system had.
  • Banque de France (green)

    Banque de France (green)
    Used as an economic recovery system after the revolutionary period. This was a success for Napoleon that assisted in Frances new reforms to continue with economic prosperity.
  • Concordat of 1801 (green)

    Concordat of 1801 (green)
    Napoleon successfully made peace with the Catholic Church, establishing the church under state rule and recognizing religious freedom. Through this émigrés we’re able to return under oath of loyalty. Another Napoleon success.
  • Consul for life (green)

    Consul for life (green)
    After Napoleons many successes, that being the Consulate and getting the Louisiana Territory back from Spain. Napoleon decides to dawn the title, consul for life, after previously naming himself First Consul in 1799.
  • Napoleonic code (yellow)

    Napoleonic code (yellow)
    A new code of laws that held enlightenment principles; for example equality among the people before law, and feudalism abolished. However, woman lost the rights they had gained from the French Revolution, and males regained complete authority over the household.
  • Declared self emperor (green)

    Declared self emperor (green)
    Two years after 1802, when Napoleon had named himself consul for life, he had assumed the title Emperor of the French, after he gained enough power, due to his many successes. He even crowed himself at his coronation. This was a great success for Napoleon.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar (red)

    The Battle of Trafalgar (red)
    Napoleon’s French fleet is intercepted by British Admiral Horatio Nelson at the southwest coast of Spain before Napoleon could invade England. This was a failure for Napoleon, as not only did he fail to invade England, but suffered a crippling defeat that required Napoleon to rule to invasion out.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)
    The abolishing of the Holy Roman Empire came with the formation of the 38 member Confederation of the Rhine. This was not only a success for Napoleon, but helped establish new Germany in the future.
  • Continental System (red)

    Continental System (red)
    A system of economic warfare that closed European ports to British goods. In response, Britain closed off its own European ports. This system failed on Napoleon’s part to defeat the British, and increased resentment against French power. Britain was still able to keep trade routes with the Americans and India during the duration of the Continental System.
  • Resistance in Spain (red)

    Resistance in Spain (red)
    Also known as Das de maya, Spain remains loyal to their past king despite the French influence on Spain. Spanish resistance suffers brutal repression from French, however it sparked more nationalism. Guerrilla warfare is conducted, causing French soldiers to remain in Spain when needed elsewhere. This was an overall failed on Napoleon for failing to repress the resistance.
  • Invasion of Russia (yellow)

    Invasion of Russia (yellow)
    Tsar Alexander of Russia is targeted by Napoleon’s Grand Army after his withdrawal from the Continental system. An estimated 600,000 soldiers invade Russia, while the Tsar and his soldiers retreat eastward, burning villages to extinguish Napoleon’s army. At the battle of Borodino, Napoleon is successful. However his Grand Army is reduced to fewer than 20,000.
  • Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (red)

    Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (red)
    The new alliance formed between Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia worked towards ending Napoleon’s reign, after his army was weakened in Russia.
  • Abdication (red)

    Abdication (red)
    Napoleon was forced to step down from power after the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig the previous year. It is from his abdication that Napoleon was exiled to Elba an island inn the Mediterranean. Louis XVIII later took part as the king of France.
  • Hundred Days (yellow)

    Hundred Days (yellow)
    The period of time Napoleon had escaped exile in Elba, to later enter Paris. A success at the time, as even Louis XVIII left France. But a future failure, as he returned to exile in St. Helena after a crushing defeat of the ally forces that Napoleon allowed to build up over the 100 day period.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    British forces of the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian army lead by general Blücher crushed the French army, and Napoleon was then exiled to St. Helena