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The Age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign (Green)

    Italian Campaign (Green)
    Napoleon’s Italian Campaign was a resounding success. His masterful victories against the Austrians allowed Napoleon to conquer most of northern Italy for France. This campaign also developed within Napoleon a strong taste for governing.
  • Egyptian Campaign (Yellow)

    Egyptian Campaign (Yellow)
    In Napoleon’s attempt to disrupt British trade with India, Napoleon led an expedition to Egypt. This campaign would end in disaster. However, Napoleon managed to return to France almost a year before his soldiers, hiding stories of the worst losses from his admirers in France.
  • Consulate (Green)

    Consulate (Green)
    The Consulate was a three-man governing board which Napoleon quickly made himself head of. He took the title of First Consul and with this newly gained power Napoleon was now largely in charge of all of France.
  • Banque de France (Green)

    Banque de France (Green)
    The Banque de France was Napoleon’s effort at trying to restore trust in the French banking system after the havoc of the Revolutionary period. Through this new system Napoleon revitalized economic prosperity in France and dragged it out of the pits of the Revolution.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Green)

    Concordat of 1801 (Green)
    The Concordat of 1801 was essentially agreements made between Napoleon and the Catholic Church which redressed many reforms against the Church which had been set in place during the Revolution. Most importantly though was the fact that the Church was to be under state control and it was declared the religion of the majority of Frenchman.
  • Consul for life (Green)

    Consul for life (Green)
    With his exponential growth in power, Napoleon found it necessary to name himself consul for life. This statement not only made Napoleon the most powerful man in France, but it only helped to fuel the conflagration propelling Napoleon to become the most powerful man in Europe.
  • Declared self emperor (Green)

    Declared self emperor (Green)
    Napoleon’s self coronation as Emperor allowed him to assume absolute power. This power helped Napoleon redefine French life and expand it into other nations which he would decide to invade.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    The Napoleonic code was Napoleons new code of laws which he enforced across all of the countries he conquered. It manifested popular Enlightenment ideas such as equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and the abolition of feudalism. The Napoleonic code, however, also unpopularly undid some of the reforms set in place by the French Revolution.
  • Continental System (Red)

    Continental System (Red)
    With invasion of the table, Napoleon looked to the Continental System, which closed European ports to British goods. Although Napoleon saw this plan to be an effective one, it quickly backfired. Trade restrictions in created a scarcity of goods in Europe, sent prices soaring, and intensified resentment against French power.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (Red)
    After preparing to invade England, Napoleon gets caught in a naval Battle of the southwest coast of Spain. Here he faces a smashing defeat from British Admiral Horatio Nelson.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)
    By abolishing the ever unstable Holy Roman Empire, Napoleon was able to establish the 38 member Confederation of the Rhine which went under French protection.
  • Resistance in Spain (Red)

    Resistance in Spain (Red)
    Despite Napoleon’s efforts to undermine the Spanish Catholic Church, many Spaniards remained loyal to their former king and devoted to the Church. This opposition from the Spaniards led to many hit-and-run raids on the French which put heavy strain on Napoleon and his army.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    After the tsar of Russia withdrew his support from the Continental System, Napoleon responded to the actions by assembling the Grand Army with the intention of marching on Moscow. This proved disastrous however. With a lack of food and supplies combined with a hard winter, Napoleon’s army was destroyed.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)
    One of the final battles of the Napoleonic Wars, the battle of the Nations at Leipzig was a pretty large blow to Napoleon. Here, the nations of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia formed a new alliance against the weakened France hoping to snuff out what little fire Napoleon still had left in his armies.
  • Abdication (Yellow)

    Abdication (Yellow)
    Although abdication meant Napoleon had to step down from power, it wasn’t completely terrible. In his place, Louis XVIII was made king of France. His rough restoration combined with the fear of a return to the old regime helped rekindle loyalty to Napoleon. This led to an Napoleon short success in returning to France.
  • Hundred Days (Yellow)

    Hundred Days (Yellow)
    The “hundred days” was the brief time between Napoleon escaping Elba and being once again exiled to St. Helena. During this time Napoleon raised an army of loyal French soldiers. Despite his support, Napoleon’s make shift army was no match at the battle of Waterloo were he was crushed by British forces.
  • Waterloo (Red)

    Waterloo (Red)
    This was Napoleon’s last attempt at victory. This would not be the case however. After an agonizing day-long battle, Napoleon’s forces were crushed, and he was defeated. Once the fighting was over, Napoleon was again forced to abdicate and go into exile on St. Helena were he would eventually die.