The Age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign 🟒

    Italian Campaign 🟒
    Napoleon invaded Italy with means to force the First Coalition to abandon Sardinia and cut their supply line.
  • Egyptian Campaign πŸ”΄

    Egyptian Campaign πŸ”΄
    In Napoleons attempt to seize Egypt, the campaign ended up a failure. He had found interest in the Suez Canal, and wanted to attack British commerce.
  • Consul for Life 🟒

    Consul for Life 🟒
    The top level of government that Napoleon declared himself as, and was viewed as military dictatorship.
  • Consulate 🟒

    Consulate 🟒
    Napoleon being the first consul, the Consulate was a top level Government in France stemming from the fall of the Directory.
  • Banque de France 🟒

    Banque de France 🟒
    After the recesssion of the revolution, Napoleon created this pillar of the Eurosystem to foster economic recovery.
  • Concodat of 1801 🟑

    Concodat of 1801 🟑
    An agreement between Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius to reconcile the church with anti-religious policies and was in effect until 1905.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟑

    Napoleonic Code 🟑
    A code of laws that stated principles like equality, toleration, and abolition of feudalism.
  • Declared Self Emperor 🟒

    Declared Self Emperor 🟒
    Through his multiple battles, Napoleon gained enough power to be emperor with popular French vote backing him up.
  • Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄

    Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄
    A British and French naval battle that established British naval supremacy for about 100 years and ruined Napoleons plans to invade Britain.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire 🟒

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire 🟒
    Napoleon grouped together independent states and forced the Emperor to give up his position to increase his control over German states.
  • Continental System πŸ”΄

    Continental System πŸ”΄
    Napoleon struck at Britain’s commerce and started economical warfare through this system. It closed ports and kept supplies from moving but backfired and resulted in Napoleons fall.
  • Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄

    Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄
    Napoleon invaded Spain and began the Peninsular War, though he completely underestimated resistance and was defeated.
  • Invasion of Russia πŸ”΄

     Invasion of Russia πŸ”΄
    In means to force Tsar Alexander I to stop trade with Britain, Napoleon and his army marched into Russia, though resulted in a disaster for the French.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄
    One of the largest events of the Napoleonic Wars, Bonaparte was defeated for the first time and destroyed the French power in Germany and Poland.
  • Abdication πŸ”΄

    Abdication πŸ”΄
    Napoleons power was openly challenged by Alexander and was eventually forced to abdicate after allied forces occupied Paris.
  • Hundred Days πŸ”΄

    Hundred Days πŸ”΄
    The events that led up to the battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was abdicated. This included Napoleons return to Paris after his exile and the throne of King Louis XVIII restored.
  • Waterloo πŸ”΄

    Waterloo πŸ”΄
    British forces crushed the French when they met in Waterloo, Belgium after Napoleon reassembled his forces. As a result, he was exiled for the second time to St. Helena.