The Age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign (Green)

    Italian Campaign (Green)
    French Army of Italy under Napoleon invaded Italy trying to force the First Coalition to abandon Sardinia and forcing Austria to withdraw from Italy. Napoleon conquered most of Italy.
  • Egyptian Campaign (Yellow)

    Egyptian Campaign (Yellow)
    Napoleon was hoping to disrupt Britain's trade with India, but it was a disaster. He managed to hide most of his losses from the people of France.
  • The Consulate (Green)

    The Consulate (Green)
    The Consulate made government in France more efficient and abolished most of the remnants of class and privilege.
  • Banque de France (Green)

    Banque de France (Green)
    The national bank of France, created to restore the French banking system after the financial difficulties of the revolutionary period. It helped France get out of bankruptcy.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)

    Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)
    This document said that France would recognize the Catholic church as it main religion. This took the strain between France and the church, but the church eventually backed out of the agreement.
  • Consul fir Life (Green)

    Consul fir Life (Green)
    Napoleon wanted to be compared to rulers of the past like Charlemagne and Caesar.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    This established equality amoung citizens, merit-based advancments, and religious freedoms. But it took away some of the womens rights that they had gained from the Revolution.
  • Declared Himself Emperor (Green)

    Declared Himself Emperor (Green)
    When Napoleon was being declared Emperor, he took the crown from the pope and placed it on his own head. HE wanted to show he was the source of his power not the pope. The people of France had kept supporting him.
  • Battle of Trafaglar (Red)

    Battle of Trafaglar (Red)
    This was a naval battle fought by the British Royal Navy against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies during the War of the Third Coalition. France lost this battle.
  • Continental System (Yellow)

    Continental System (Yellow)
    The goal of these paper were to isolate Great Britain, which they did. Britain then sent back a response which isolated France from Allies or nuetral countries.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)

     Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)
    The Holy Roman Empire was destroyed by Napoleon and the French. Napoleon defeated the Austrian army in battle at Austerlitz.
  • Resistance in Spain (Red)

    Resistance in Spain (Red)
    The Spanish patriots still supported the old king and fought against the French invaders. This led to french soldiers getting sucked into Spain when they were needed else where.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    As Napoleon invaded Russia the Russian soldiers kept retreating inward. They burnt buildings and crops along the way.Napoleon lost over 600,000 men.
  • Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (Red)

    Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (Red)
    Napoleon lost this battle and parts of Germany and Poland in result of the loss.
  • Abdication (Red)

    Abdication (Red)
    After yet another military fail Napoleon was exiled to Elba.
  • Hundred Days (Red)

    Hundred Days (Red)
    Also known as the War of the Seventh Coalition, marked the period between Napoleon's return from exile on the island of Elba to Paris.
  • Waterloo (Red)

    Waterloo (Red)
    The British and Prussian armies beat Napoleon's army in one day. Napoleon was exiled again.