The Adventures of Rhia! A lost Arab

  • Today I fell out a tree ouch

  • First Period!!!!!

  • Got buried in the sandpit help!

    Got buried in the sandpit help!
  • Nearly drowned in the paddling pool :(

  • fell off my bike head first!!!!

    fell off my bike head first!!!!
  • Found out i'm slightly german !!!!!

  • went to a party drank some lemonade yummy

  • Played one of the ugly sisters in cinderella :) great show!

  • first boyfriend :)

  • Held hands with my boyfriend <3

  • Became a vegetarian

  • Accidently ate some meat :(

  • First bra!!! Finally a woman :)


  • had some beautiful twins xxxx

    had some beautiful twins xxxx
  • cba to name the twins :\

    cba to name the twins :\
  • just realised one of the twins is black

    just realised one of the twins is black
  • finally learnt to spell my last name