The advances in Computology

  • The Natural Logarithm

    The Natural Logarithm
    A Scotsman, John Napier invents the natural logarithm, who managed to simplify the calculation of multiplication and division by reducing it to a calculation addition and subtraction.
  • The first try

    The first try
    the British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage designs and try to build the first computer, mechanical performance, which he called the "Analytical Engine". However, his time technology was not advanced enough to realize his idea.
  • the turning machine

    the turning machine
    English mathematician Alan Turing the formalizes the concepts of algorithm and Turing machine, which would be key in the development of modern computing
  • The Z1

    The Z1
    The German engineer Konrad Zuse completes the Z1, the first computer which can be considered as such. And using electromechanical relays operation was programmable (by perforated tape) and using Boolean logic and binary system. She would follow improved models Z2, Z3 and Z4.
  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    At the Bell Laboratories, John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William Shockley invent the transistor.
  • Nicolette

    Nicolette Instruments Corp. launches the 1080 Nicolette, a computer-based scientific use 20-bit registers, whose versatility for calculating the Fast Fourier Transform provides great acceptance in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance
  • Intel´s First comercial processor

    Intel´s First comercial processor
    Intel introduced the first commercial processor and both the first microprocessor chip, the Intel 4004.
  • Microsoft

    Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded Microsoft
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula and other friends founded Apple.
  • The Apple II

    The Apple II
    Apple introduced the first personal computer sold on a large scale, the Apple II, developed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    the IBM PC was launched to the public, which became a commercial success, it would mark a revolution in the field of personal computing and define new standards.
  • The internet

    The internet
    ARPANET is separated from the military network that passess to civilian use and these becoming the origin of the Internet.
  • Windows 1.0

    Windows 1.0
    Microsoft introduced the Windows 1.0 operating system.
  • The 21st Century Breakdown

    The 21st Century Breakdown
    They appear at the beginning of the mobile devices XXI century , first as PDAs, and some years later as smartphones.