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The Acricultural Revolution

  • Change of Weather

    Change of Weather
    After the Little Ice Age, finally, the weather got better so there was better agricultural growth. This was the beginning of the Agricultural Revolution.
  • Seed Drill was invented.

    Seed Drill was invented.
    An agriculturalist and inventor from England named Jethro Tull invented the horse-drawn seed drill in 1701. It saved farmers a lot of time and allowed them to plant their seeds in neat rows. In addition to planting the seeds at the proper depth, the seed drill also filled the hole with dirt. Farmers can save time and have a much easier time with the operation as a result of this. The Agricultural Revolution was started by this.
  • The Four Year Crop Rotation

    The Four Year Crop Rotation
    One of the most important innovations of the agricultural revolution is the Four-Year Crop Rotation. The system is meant to increase soil fertility, weed control, and pest and disease control. For example, they could use legumes, onions and roots and brassicas. Soil fertility is increased and the plants have an easier time growing and thrive thanks to this method.
  • The Rotherham Plow

    The Rotherham Plow
    Compared to the conventional plow, the Rotherham Plow was a huge improvement. The Rotherham plow, which was improved by Disney Staniforth and Joseph Foljambe, was much lighter and easier to handle, and it could be dragged by a team of horses. It was first used on a small scale at home in the 1760s.
  • Selective Breading

    Selective Breading
    Selective breeding is the process of breeding livestock to achieve the best traits possible. An optimal offspring can be generated by combining the best qualities of each male and female specimen. Selective breeding may be used to produce the ideal specimen or a new breed. Farmers could now selectively breed to their own needs or just a prize animal, which was a significant event in the agricultural revolution.
  • Enclosure Act

    Enclosure Act
    The "Inclosure Act" was a statute passed by Parliament in the United Kingdom and is still in effect. It allowed landowners to enclose their own land and prevent commoners from accessing it. This was crucial because it allowed farmers to own their own land rather than share it with a community of people. They couldn't do what they wanted or grow whatever crops they wanted.
  • Improvement on Seed Drill

    Improvement on Seed Drill
    Jethro Tull's initial seed drill performed well until now when it has been improved. To improve the operation, gears were added to the distribution mechanism.
  • Population Increased

    Population Increased
    When people have what to eat and stop dying of hunger there's population growth. The population grew 50% estimately between the years 1800-1801. That is why they started needing food and agriculture growth.
  • Canning Invention

    Canning Invention
    Bryan Donkin, an inventor from the early 1800s, invented the tin can. Canning was a significant advancement because it allowed people to purchase food and keep it preserved for an extended period of time. Agriculture grows as a result of this because people can store their goods and they won't spoil.
  • Steel Plow Invention

    Steel Plow Invention
    Because he was an inventor, John Deere is a well-known name. He invented many new machines and farm tools, mostly based on agricultural innovations. It became easier and more efficient as a result of this new invention.
  • Pasteurization

    Pasteurization was invented by Louis Pasteur in 1873. This raises the demand for milk as well as its supply. Pasteurization, as one of the last inventions, is nearing the end of the agricultural revolution. Pasteurization slows the degradation of milk and makes it better for use.
  • Refrigeration Invention

    Refrigeration Invention
    In 1895, refrigeration was invented. The agricultural revolution has come to an end. People could now hold food in their refrigerators, which improved manufacturing and agriculture. Since food preservation and production increased overpopulation took place leading to people going to cities and starting cities work. This began the Industrial Revolution.