Democritus (BC)
Democtritus used his sole reasoning to explain one of the most important peices of all sciences, the atom. He explained that all space, or "Void", was made up of tiny eternal atoms that were constantly in motion. Therefore, the matter of the universe never "disappeared", atoms lived an eternal life in which they could "collide" and separate, creating different forms of matter. He explains this in one of his works, "On the Little Order of the World". -
Leucippus (BC)
Leucippus is thought to be the founder of the school Abderus. He was one of the first Greek atomists and was the teacher of Democratis. He believed in the existence of Void and matter, and most importantly, he was one of the first greeks who introduced the theory of atomism (eberything is composed of atoms, and atoms are indivisble). -
Jan 1, 1348
Bubonic Plague
The Bubonic Plague in Europe killed about 1 in three people. -
Dalton, a chemist, was the first to use the atom to explain phenomena, In doing so, the existence of the atom was confirmed and valid, a major breakthrough in the world of science. Adding to that, he discovered the law of pressure. -
William Thomson
Thomson, a mathematician and physicist, introduced the theory of thermodynamics. He used this in order estimate the age of the Earth. -
Max Planck
1858 - 1947
Planck, a German physicist, is considered to be the founder of the Quantam theory. In 1918, he was awarded the Nobel prize in Physics, and in 1899, he bacame a professor at University of Berlin. -
Civil War
1861 - 1865 -
Niels Henrik David Bohr
1885 - 1962
Bohr became the head of a physics faculty at Copenhagen University in 1916. In 1913, he developed the theory of the hydrogen atomic structure, and later developed the quantum theory. He published his own book, and was awarded the Nobel prize in 1922. -
Erwin Schrodinger
1887 - 1961
Schrodinger was a major contributor to quantam mechanics, and he also discovered wave mechanics. -
James Chadwick
1891 - 1974
In 1932, the existence of the nuetron was proved by Chadwick. Three years later he was awarded the Nobel prize. -
Louise De Broglie
1892 - 1987
Broglie, a French physicist, discovered the wave nature of electrons and contributed to the Quantam Theory. -
Werner Heisenberg
1901 - 1976
Heisenberg, a German physicist, wrote several books surrounding physics. In 1932, he recieved the Nobel prize for his discovery of the "uncertainty principle". He attended Niel's Bohr Institute -
Earnest Rutherford
Ruthorford created the planetary model of the atom. In 1909, Rutherford conducted the Geiger-Marsden experiment that proved Thomson's model of the atom wrong. -
World War 1
1914 - 1917 -
The Great Depression
Robert Andrews Millikan
1968 - 1953
Millikan recieved the Nobel Prize in award to measuring the charge of the electron, and confirming Einstein's theory of the relationship between light frequency and electron energy in the photoelectric effect. -
Empedocles (BC)
Empedocles, a Greek scientist and philosopher, introduced the four substances of matter: earth, water, fire, and air. He also introduced a belief of which love and strife were the two forces that powered the existence of earth. -
Plato (BC)
Plato had written several works that ranged from math, logics, philosophy, and ethics. Of his several works, "The Republic" was his most important. It was here that he applied science to philosophy, and introduced the Theory of Ideas, or "the ultimate reality". He also opened the Acadamy of Athens. -
Aristotle (BC)
Aristotle introduced the professional approach to scientific research, which was to first define the subject, then to consider other views, and then create arguements. He had great interest in biology and did many dissections. He studied a wide range of topics, and opened his own school. But in general, he created the ideal way of researching and gaining knowledge. -
Persian - Greece Wars (BC)
For several times, Persia tried to conquer Greece, and in 539 BC, Persia won the major battle and left Greece in ruins