The 70's

  • Aswan Dam Completeed

    Aswan Dam Completeed
    Supported by the soviets, this helped industrialization of Egypt.
  • Debut "American Pie"

    Debut "American Pie"
    This iconic song made its debut in Philedelphia at Temple University. Its artist, Don McLean dedicated the song to Buddy Holly, who died in 1959.
  • Nixon's visit with Mao

    Nixon's visit with Mao
    Nixon's visit to China allowed better relations between the US and the PRC. This encouraged trade between the two countries which is why a vast amount of goods we purchase today are made in China.
  • Munich Massacre

    11 Israeli olympians were killed by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 summer olympics games in Munich.
  • Roe v. Wade

    The decision of the long awaited Roe v. Wade case is passed. Roe v. Wade allowed for women to legally recieve abortions due to the right of privacy under the due process clause of the 14th amendment. Although, states could regulate when a woman could recieve one.
  • NWPC holds its first convention

    Created in 1971, this group, led by feminists such as Betty Friedan, championed affordable childcare, reproductive freedom, and the passage of the equal rights ammendment in addition to other feminist ideals.
  • Discovery of Terra Cotta Soldiers

    Discovery of Terra Cotta Soldiers
    Built to protect the emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife, this army of over 8,000 soldiers and 500 horses was incredibly well preserved in the ancient burial ground.
  • Pol Pot

    Pol Pot
    Pol Pot becomes dictator of Cambodia. He and his Kmher Rouge provide Cambodia with endless suffering in the coming years.
  • End of 'Nam

    End of 'Nam
    This was when Saigon officially fell to the Northern Vietnamese forces, marking a defeat for the South Vietnamese and the United States forces, although they had begun to move out almost 5 years earlier.
  • Zaire Ebola Outbreak

    Zaire Ebola Outbreak
    Aside from a previous outbreak (exact date unknown) in the Sudan, this was the first appearance of ebola.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    This massive pop culture franchise began its life in 1977. George lucas led the project that would become a massive fandom within the coming years. Even today, we enjoy both contemporary and retro star wars.
  • Death of the King

    Death of the King
    Elvis Presley is found dead in his home on this date, marking an end to his iconic carreer.
  • Three Mile Island

    Three Mile Island
    A partial nuclear meltdown from the nuclear plant located on 3 mile island caused public skepticism of the safety of nuclear power. Cleanup began immediately and didn't end until 1993.
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    Margaret Thatcher became the first female prime minister of Britain. She was uncompromising in dealing with the USSR, earning her the nickname "Iron Lady."
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
    Lasting 9 years, the soviets invaded Afghanistan to combat insurgents. The US, Pakistan, and Great Britain trained and offered aid to the insurgents. Since the conflict was neither won nor lost, it was deemed as the Cold War's "Vietnam."