22nd amendment 2 1

The 22nd Amendment

  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    The possibility to limit the number of terms was discussed while writing the Constitution but was declined to be incorporated into the Constitution.

    Source: www.study.com
  • Washingtons Input

    Washingtons Input
    By the end of George Washington's term, he was asked to continue for a third term due to his popularity. Washington declined and said the no president should serve two terms. From then it became a political tradition to only serve two terms.
    Source: www.study.com
  • Jefferson's Respect

    Jefferson's Respect
    Out of respect for Washington, Thomas Jefferson declined to serve a third term. For the next 124 years, the following presidents would follow the unwritten tradition, two years two terms.
    Source: www.study.com
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    The 18th President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant sought a third term but was denied by his party's nomination.
    Source: www.britannica.com
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    President Theodore Roosevelt also tried for a second term but lost the election, that would have been his second ELECTED term.
    Source: www.brittanica.com
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt saved America from the Great Depression and ran for not only a third but fourth term. He broke Washington's unwritten tradition but was such a loved president he was elected for a third and fourth term, but sadly a few months into his fourth term he died.
    Source: www.brittanica.com
  • Proposal

    Congress proposes the 22nd Amendment after Roosevelt died. The amendment states that a President can only serve up to two terms or 10 years.
    Source: Britannica
  • The Amendment is Passed

    Approximately four years after the amendment was proposed, 41 states approved it and the amendment was ratified.
    Source: www.britannica.com
  • President Regan

    President Regan
    President Ronald Regan spoke against the 22nd Amendment during his final days in office saying the amendment is a mistake and could seriously hurt the country.
  • Attempts to Repeal

    Attempts to Repeal
    A Representative Jose Serrano proposed an amendment to repeal the 22nd amendment. Since 1997 he has been trying to repeal this amendment without any success.
    Source: https://kidslaws.com