The 20th Century (Europe) Women Artist

  • The saucer of milk by Helen Allingham

    The saucer of milk by Helen Allingham
    Helen Allingham (Paterson) was born September 1848 September 1926) was a British watercolourist and illustrator of the Victorian era. She painted for children's and adult books, as well as for periodicals, including The Graphic newspaper. Helen Allingham was one of the women artists who made a considerable impact, as artists like Van Gogh were influenced by her. This painting reminds me of enjoying life.She might be thinking, now this is life while watching her daughter give the cat some milk.
  • Shaw's Buoyant Billions: A Comedy of No Manners in Prose: illustration by Clara Winsten

    Shaw's Buoyant Billions: A Comedy of No Manners in Prose: illustration by Clara Winsten
    Clara Birnberg (1892–1989) was a British artist, illustrator, portraitist and sculptor. Changed last name to Winsten when she got married and became a Quaker humanist. Clare illustrated Shaw's Buoyant Billions: A Comedy of No Manners in Prose (1949). In this piece, you can see she capture Shaw words and understands what Shaw was trying to portray.