The 20th Century

  • Assassination at Sarajevo

    Assassination at Sarajevo
  • Period: to


  • German troops invaded Belgium

  • Battle of the Marne

    .Both sides take up trench positions by end of year.
  • Italy declared war on Austria

  • Germans attack Ypres

    Germans attack Ypres
    Gas first used
  • Conscription.

    Compulsory military service in Britain.
  • Germans attack at Verdun.

  • Russian revolution

    Russian revolution
    Russia becomes the first communist country.
  • Usa enters on side of Allies.

    Usa enters on side of Allies.
  • Russia drops out of the war

  • Period: to

    Civil war in Russia

  • Cease fire

  • The treaty of Verailles is signed.

  • Lenin dies.

    Lenin dies.
  • Stalin takes power over Russia.

    Stalin takes power over Russia.
  • American great depression

    American great depression
  • Hitler becomes the leader of Germany.

    Hitler becomes the leader of Germany.
  • Germany leaves the league of nations

  • Spanish civil war

  • Anexation of Austria

  • The night of the broken glass

    The night of the broken glass
    Jewish shops and houses destroyed
  • The Nazi-Soviet pact

  • Period: to


  • The outbreak of WWII

    The outbreak of WWII
    itler launched his attack on Poland. Within a few weeks, Poland was defeated.
  • Italy enters the war.

    Italy enters the war.
  • Winston Churchill becomes first minister.

    Winston Churchill becomes first minister.
  • Japan attacks USA.

    Japan attacks USA.
    The Japanese attacked the American base in Pearl Harbor.
  • Germany attacks Russia.

    Operation Barbarossa
  • Hitler began the policy of the "Final Solution"

    Hitler began the policy of the "Final Solution"
  • The battle of midway

  • The Normandy landings.

    The Normandy landings.
    The D day.
  • The fall of Hitler's Germany.

    The fall of Hitler's Germany.
  • WWII ended.

    WWII ended.
  • First atomic bomb.

    First atomic bomb.
  • The Marshal aid.

  • Indian indepedence.

  • Period: to

    The cold war

  • NATO was founded.

  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
  • The Berlin wall was built.

    The Berlin wall was built.
  • The Berlin wall falls

    The Berlin wall falls