Siri was created in 2010 by Dag Kittlaus and Adam Cheyer. At first was an app, but in 2011 it was announced that Siri would be built into the iPhone 4s. Siri is a lot like Amazon's Alexa, Siri can perform a wide number of functions. -
Instagram was created and many thought it would be just like Facebook, but since its debut it has evolved into a new and different experience. It has become such a huge platform to the point where jobs have been created specifically for this social media app. -
Oculus VR
When it first came out, the main focus of this VR head set was on playing video games. Since then it has become more, people can stream videos, it has even helped surgeons understand a patients anatomy as well as help cops revisit crime scenes. -
Apple created the iPad, which was literally just a bigger version of an iPhone. It was portable and fast, and better to use than a tablet. iPads were used for many things whether it was for business or just for fun. -
Amazon Alexa
Amazon created a voice activated virtual assistant in 2014. Since it's first coming out, it has grown many skills. It can operate the functions of many home utilities as well as many other things.