The 2000's

By Micah29
  • USB

    USB year 2000 invented by Fujio Masuoka At this point the USB had already been invented, but in the year 2000 it received a critical update they began the transition to USB hard drives and away from disk methods of storage. We still use USB today as one of the main ways to store data
  • Xbox

    Xbox year 2001 invented by Johnathan Blackley In 2001 Jonathan Blackley help change the culture of video game consuls with his invention the Xbox. Since then video games have been evolving and changing because of this advancement
  • WindowsXP and iOS

    WindowsXP and iOS
    year 2001 founders are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
    IOS and Microsoft Xp computer systems we use today Steve Jobs and Bill gates The original founders of both companies, which led to the creation of both of these software‘s. They allowed for easy access search engines, like safari and internet explorer.
  • Blu-ray and HD

    Blu-ray and HD
    HD and Blue-ray 2006 invented by Shuji Nakamura and Japanese NHK company In the years 2003-2006 HD and Blu-ray both made critical advancements leading to them being what we use for our camera and video production today. Movie disk are all Blu-ray. And live footage made major advancements with HD
  • iPhone

    iPhone June 2007 invented by Steve Jobs Arguably one of the most groundbreaking new technologies, The iPhone today is now one of the most used technologies. It was the creation of a computer mixed with a camera mixed with a cell phone.