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The 1990s

By kaylal.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait in early August 1990. ... Hussein defied United Nations Security Council demands to withdraw from Kuwait by mid-January 1991, and the Persian Gulf War began with a massive U.S.-led air offensive known as Operation Desert Storm.
  • Contract with America

    Contract with America
    The overarching goal of the contract involved cutting taxes, reducing the size of government and reducing government regulations, taking aim at Congress, itself, to be more transparent, less corrupt and more open with the public.
  • Signed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    Signed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    promotes free trade between Canada, US and Mexico equals results in increased trade between the nations
  • Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton
    eventually elected to Senate; worked to bring healthcare to Americans as First Lady
  • Impeachment of Bill Clinton

    Impeachment of Bill Clinton
    impeached by House but was not convicted by Senate after committing perjury regarding his affair with an intern