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The 1980s

  • Mount Saint Helens errupts

    Mount Saint Helens errupts
    The explosion of Mount Saint Helens occurs. The casualties include 75 poeple.
  • Reagan is elected as president of the US.

    Reagan is elected as president of the US.
    His running mate was Jimmy Carter, the previous president.
  • The disease AIDS was identified and named

    The disease AIDS was identified and named
    As the epidemic of AIDS, which had been previously unheard of, started, medical research began on finding a cure.
  • Reagan begins in the office

    Reagan begins in the office
    After delivering his inaugural address, Reagan assumed the office.
  • The Royal Wedding of Diana Spencer and Prince Charles

    The Royal Wedding of Diana Spencer and Prince Charles
    The royal wedding was watched by millions, and it was the first time a commoner ever married into royalty.
  • Michael Jackson releases Thriller

    Michael Jackson releases Thriller
    Thriller became on of the most popular, high grossing, and scrutinized song/music video ever.
  • The first woman goes to space

    Sally Ride becomes the first woman to ever be launched into space aboard the space shuttle Colombia.
  • Giant leak of poisonous gas in the Bhopal, India

    Giant leak of poisonous gas in the Bhopal, India
    A factory filled with highly poisonous MIC leaked, causing poisonous gas to be released into the surrounding air. The casualties were estimated to be over 5,000 people.
  • First wrekage of Titanic found

    First wrekage of Titanic found
    The first wreckage from the Titanic is found. The same day, the filming for the movie Titanic was started.
  • The United States bombs Libya

    The United States bombs Libya
    The United States nuclear bombs Libya. There were 40 known Libyan casualties. One American plane was shot down as well.
  • New York Stock Exchange Drop

    New York Stock Exchange Drop
    The New York Stock Exchange crashed on October 19th, 1987. This was a global event.
  • The 8888 Uprising

    The 8888 Uprising
    A rebellion against the Burma government, the people (students in paticular) of Burma wanted a democracy. The rebellion was met with almost 3,000 casulties. The Burma government never became a democray.
  • George H. W. Bush takes office

    George H. W. Bush takes office
    President George H. W. Bush takes office. His many focus as president was on foreign affairs. He is president until 1993
  • Berlin Wall Comes Down

    Berlin Wall Comes Down
    The Berlin Wall, a symbol of communism is torn down. When the Berlin Wall came down, there wasn't any communism in Berlin. President Reagan said "Tear this wall down!"