The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is adopted.
Until the 1920's most states disenfranchised women. The nineteenth amendment stated that anyone had the right to vote no matter what their sex is. -
Prohibition begins.
Prohibition was important because after the war, drinking was on the rise and the government wanted to try to prevent people from getting drunk. Also, the government thought a ban of alcohol would help stop the many gangs and speakeasies that were in American during the 1920s. -
KDKA in Pittsburgh
The KDKA was the first commecial radio broadcast in Pittsburgh. The U.S. Department of Commerce which issued radio licensing, issued the first radio license to the KDKA. -
Congress enacts Emergency Quota Act.
This act was alos know as the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921. This act stated that it restricted immigration into the United States. -
The boll weevil ruins more than 85 percent of the South’s cotton crop.
Cotton was the souths most valuable crop, and it was under attack by a seemingly indestructible new beetle known as the boll weevil. the Boil Weevil was one of the most harmful pests in the United States, and by the 1900's over 70,000 bales of cotton were runied costing 42 million dollars because of these pests. -
The stock market begins its spectacular rise.National Origins Act replaces Emergency Quota Act.
The stock market was easier for people to get more loans and spend more money. Soon when the National Origins Act replaces Emergency Quota Act this would allow immigrants back into the U.S -
National Origins Act replaces Emergency Quota Act.
Soon when the National Origins Act replaces Emergency Quota Act this would allow immigrants back into the U.S -
Ku Klux Klan members stage a major march through Washington.
The KKK was disbanned after the war but marched at D.C to show disaproval. -
D.C.Scopes trial takes place in Dayton, Tennessee.
Scoups trial was a group who tried to teach students evolution. THis group shared the opinions of people who believe in evolution and people who believe in God that thouht this should be taught in school. -
Langston Hughes publishes “The Weary Blues.”
Hughes was an African American writer during the time that the U.S was still segerated. He then wrote something called "The Weary Blues" and was know to be a peice about the Harlem Renaissance. -
Sacco and Vanzetti are executed.
Sacco and Vanzetti were two Italian immigrants who were convicted of murdering two people during the robbery of a store. t was important because people caw how unfair the justice system was to immigrants and poor people. -
Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic.
He was the first perosn to fly solo across the Atlantic. It was important because he was from America and it had never been done before. -
Herbert Hoover is elected U.S. president.
Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the U.S. It is important because he was the president who was in office when the stock market crashed and the Great Depression started and he had to handle it and keep America running.