18th Amendment
It prohibited all American cicitcen from drinking and buying alcohol or baverage. Furthermore it prohibite all trades with alcohol or baverage, shiping of any alcohol or baverage and producing. This had great support and resistence, and many people ignored it. -
The Prohibition was a very big deal for American society as well as for the plotic. When the politican and the demonstraters sucssesded and the 18th Amendment was active, America suffered and it was released.
A lot of people stoped drinking alkohol. The most problems with drunken, agressive, or dead people, were solved. However the State made massive losts, because there were speckeasies, who selled the beer to the people illegel and the politicans werent able to win more votes, by buying a beer -
1st Red Scar
The first red Scare happened shortly after the first world War. The nation feared the bolshevism and anachy. Terror ruled the cuntry from 1918 to 1921. Everybody hated communism and people were attackt and murdered, as well as only banned and exclused from all society rights. -
19th Amendment
It was the sucsses of the womens suffage. It gave the Women the right to vote. it prohibed all American people from beeing denied to from, based on their gender. -
Warren G. Harding's "Return to normalcy"
Return to normalcy was the campain of Warren. He ran with this motto for president in the election 1920. He wanted to return to the time before World War I. -
Langston Hughes
He was social activist, novelist, poet, and playwhrighter. He is best known as a Renaissance activisst and Jazz poetry. He wrote a poem in the early 1920 with made him popular and became his signiture. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Secretary of the Interior Albert Bacon Fall saled Navy petrolium at Teapot Dome and two other locations in Califormia, in 1921 untill 1922. TJ Walsh discovered this during an investigation. This was the most sensational and famous scandal untill the Watergate scandal. -
Clarence Darrow
He became foumus for his cases he fought, within his famous one he fought against the, already famous, William Jennings Bryan. Furthermore he hold a leading position in the American Civil Liberties Union. -
Jazz music
The Jazz music became popular. The young and middle generation listened to it and loved it. only the old generation sad it would destroy the old culture. The Capital City of Jazz was Chicago for almost 20 Years, and became than New York in the in 1930's. -
Scopes (Monkey) Trial
John t. Scope Teached the Darwinism, a way to teach the children the Theory of evolution. This way was prohibit in the same year by an actual law. The Law prohibite any way to teach evolution that is not like the bible teaches it. John Scope however, teached it anyway and was sued 1925. he lost the case, with became popular as the Scope Trial or Scope mokey Tiral. He had to pay 100 Dolars. -
Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a therory pased on darwinism, and applied on the societies. It takes parts of the darwinism, such as "survival of the fittest" and applie it to the social gruops. This kind of darwinism or Socialality was very famous during the early 19 hundrets up to the war. -
William Jennings Bryan
He was a famous lawyer. He fought a very famous case against Darrow. Five days after he lost this case he died. He was futhermore United State Secretery of State and went for President four times, while he was the President of the Democratic Party. -
Henry Ford
he was an inventor and idealist. He build the Ford Moter Company and invented hundreets of things, within the assembly line. He opened the doors to the mass production. -
Charles A. Lindbergh
He fought in the first world war and was so sucssess ful. that the earned the Metal of honer. In May !927, he started the nonstop fly from New York to Paris and was the first person, who ever flu single nonstop over the Ocean. -
Marcus Garvey
He was an African American activist and the governuer of Jamaica. He wounded his own Party. He managed to outline with his position the abuse of blsck people in in the Leahue of nations. -
Frances Willard
She was a teacher and reformers. Furthermore the fought for the Womens right to vote. She became the nationalwide leader of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in 1879. She died in -
The GReat Migration
The Great Migration was the big movement of the Colored people out of the Southern Cities, were people were more recist and treaded black very bad, to the more friendly states. It happened all over the USA and all over the time between 1910 to 1970. People went from the Cities away in hope to have better live and live the American Dream. Some people went from City to City, other went away from the City and got themself some Land. -
Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"
This crash leasted 10 years and was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States. It was so great it affected all Industrialized Countires in the West. -
Tin Pan Alley
The Tin Pan Alley was original the area between the 28th Street and Fifth and Sixth Avenue in ManhattanNew York Cit, were the popular misuc was puplished and songwriters lifed. It was close to the braodway and some people say it was the start of the great depression. -
The great Depression
It was the worst and depest comedown for the economy. It statted in the late 1929 and lasted untill the late 1930's. People lost everything and nobody was not in any kind effected. More than every fourth person was without a job, and it was world wide. Nowdays we see the great depression as an example as how far the econmomy can came down. -
Federal Reserve System
It is the centre centre of all banks of the USA. All banks operate together under the Control of the FRS. It was established in 1919 and sharply ratified in the great depression. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
He was the President during the 1930's and 1940's. He won the election four times and was the reason why you can now go only for two term. He lead America out of the depression and helped it recover. Furthermore he was there for the US during the WW II. -
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
It was estalished to provide the Tennessee Valley area with all kinds of living goods like electricity and flood control, for example. The Tennessee Valley was one of the most effect areas during the great depressiona and the lost nealry everything, so people had to come and to recove all. -
Relief, Recovery, and Reform
Ever single part was the base of FDR's plan to get out of the great depression. Relief meant to Immediatly stop every thing that make the economy wors. Recovery , was the plan of the new agencies. Building a lots of new oppsetuneties, to get jons and start recovering from the great depression. And Reform was planed on permanend programs to avoid another catastrophy and prved people permanently with jon´bs. -
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FCIC)
It was a try to restory faith and trust in back in the bank, after more than one third went bankkroub in the great depression. FDR set a ownership limit for every ownership, a bank must have, in order so they wont run bankroub again. -
Eleanor Roosevelt
She was the First lady of the White house and the wife of FDR. She was a first lady like no one before. She did more with other people than all ladies before. Furthermore she had her own radio station and hold conferences, were oonly female reporters were allowed. -
The Dust Bowl
Over used farm land turned try and into dust. This dust was taken away by the Wind and destroyed everything and everybody on his way. It dealed over New Mexico, Texas, Colorada and most worstly over Kansas. -
Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The Sec was established to regualte the flote of money. It is supposed to protect the people, when the buy loand. It helps helps people when the invest they money and protect them. It is split in 4 parts, each with their own idividual responcibilities. -
Social Security Administration (SSA)
The Social Security Administration provides you with the posibility of retirement money. You can aply for a retirement, and get money after you retired. The more money you earn the more money you get later. -
Dorothea Lange
She was an photograph and journalist. Her photos and stories during the great depression gave it all a sad soul and haert. Making everybody, who was not affected, so the realy rich people, sad. The govenment saw it and felt more and more guilty. She gave her best to give the great depression its real face with her photographs. -
The New Deal
FDR's 3R program delevoped into the New Deal. HE folowd his 3R plan and created Agencies and spoke the nation, fallowing onn step after another. It all took him 4 to 5 years untill he recovered the US to a good standart back and made it better and better in the following years. Whatsoever his strongest days were the first 100 days, were he did most of his work.