the 1920'/1930's

  • Period: to


    Historians would describe the 1920s as profitable, and gave America great grain, all across the board, including their political state, the economic state, and finally how they were socially speaking.
  • (Eco 1)the 1920s was a great time in American history at least at the start. For example, America's economy grew significantly.

    (Eco 1)the 1920s was a great time in American history at least at the start. For example, America's economy grew significantly.
    According to ( "The 1920s is the decade when America's economy grew 42%. The U.S. victory in World War I gave the country its first experience of being a global power" this shows not only was America doing great economically but they were a global power now. America had more jobs going around due to the fact that there were more factories and child labor was legal at the time spreading the wealth out more(although children were being paid very poorly).
  • (Eco2) America economy was doing great at the start of the 1920 but why was this so.

    America's unemployment rates slightly decreased as new products were realized. Americans started using new products like " radios, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and refrigerators"(
    As well as cars. These new products not only opened up new jobs to make and sell them they also gave America new luxury. America after this started to care about its image. America after winning in ww1 was a global power and with this, they became more connected with the world.
  • socail act of america 1920

    socail act of america 1920
    Americans at the time were trying to be the best they can. They started caring about their image because of the fact they are now a new work power. according to ( "
    Indulgence, sophistication, and, above all, modernism, were prominent themes of the decade. Even though Prohibition was in effect, many people continued to drink heavily. Women in the 1920s made significant gains. In 1920, the 19th Amendment was passed, giving women the right to vote." this shows how much we tried to change
  • social america 1920s over view / this quote does a great job of explaining the role people were forced to fallow.also around this time the government implemented a prohibition were you couldn't drink alcohol. although no one really fallowed it.

    social america 1920s over view  /  this quote does a great job of explaining the role people were forced to fallow.also around this time the government implemented a prohibition were you couldn't drink alcohol. although no one really fallowed it.
    at the time Americans forced people into gender and race roles. for, racial prejudice was growing stronger with groups like the kkk rising. according to (digital"The 1920s was a decade of profound social changes. The most obvious signs of change were the rise of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment, which helped to bring about a "revolution in morals and manners." Sexual mores, gender roles, hairstyles, and dress all changed profoundly during the 1920s." go to title
  • (Eco 3) luxury items

    (Eco 3) luxury items
    As mentioned before one of the reasons why the American economy was so good during the 1920s was because of the new products being made. some of those products were considered luxury products, for example, cars. Cars were a new thing to America when they first came here almost no one had one making it a luxury product, but as more people bought cars they became less rare and therefore less of a luxury. (there is a graph of car levels)
  • (political bases) politics during the 1920 in america wasn't doing the best.

    here is what ( says about it " By 1920, World War I was over. The wartime boom had collapsed. Diplomats and politicians were arguing over peace treaties and the question of America's entry into the League of Nations. Overseas there were wars and revolutions; at home, there were strikes, riots, and a growing fear of radicals and terrorists." I choose this quote because it does a great job explaining what was happing in politics showing how we were responding to the end of ww1.
  • warren g harding 1921/ 1923 19th president

    warren g harding 1921/ 1923 19th president
    warren made a budget act the first one in American history.
  • president calvin coolidge 1923/1929

    president calvin coolidge 1923/1929
    although he was known for doing "nothing" he did strongly support women's suffrage and was against prohibition.
  • causes of great depression

    causes of great depression
    the great depression was the greatest recession in American history starting with a stock market crash in 1929 world trade collapsed because of the smooth Hawley tariff, poor government policies, and finally collapse of the money supply all on top of the panic we had. ( Another great cause not listed was the great drought caused by the "dust bowl". here is a quote overviewing the dust bowl (in the great depression 2)
  • Period: to

    the 1930's

    an overview of the political/economic/ cause of the great depression/ social and cultural events of the 1930s.
  • herbert hoover 1929/1933

    herbert hoover 1929/1933
    when he was in office the great depression started (more of that in the 30s). Hoover helped the food crisis at the time by raising millions of dollars to help pay for food. He was accused of murder.
  • FDR 2 ww2

    FDR was also president throughout all of ww2. here is a quote from ( explaining what he did "Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the nation through the Second World War. Roosevelt built a powerful wartime coalition with Britain and the Soviet Union, and led the nation to victory against Nazi Germany." this does a great job of just showing us what FDR did and how he lead our country.
  • causes of great depression 2

    causes of great depression 2
    ( "The Dust Bowl was the name given to the drought-stricken southern plains region of the United States, which suffered severe dust storms during a drought. As high winds and choking dust swept the region of the midwest, people and livestock were killed and crops failed across the entire region." this does a great job explaining what the dust bowls were and how storms affect people. As it said people were killed and starved to death because of this and it sent farmers into debt.
  • politics 1930's

    the 1930s was a hard time politically speaking with the great depression at its peak and then the start of ww2 ( "Roosevelt built a coalition of labor unions, women, African Americans, ethnic groups, and the middle class that redefined American politics and lasted until the 1960s. Besides economic and political change, the 1930s also saw a change in attitude toward civil rights." this shows how we have evolved for human rights. and how we were doing other then ww2.
  • culture 1930's

    culture 1930's
    culture in the 1930s was a time when everyone had to be "tough" (). men's "roles" at the time were to work and fend for their families. when ww2 started men's "roles" were to fight and farm. women's "roles" were to cook and clean for their families, and after ww2 started women couldn't get drafted so they took over the factors men used to work in making money for their families and keep the country running. they also repaired planes, flew planes, and helped in the medical unit (
  • socail america

    socail america
    the great depression was at its highest during the 1930s according to ( "The Great Depression brought a rapid rise in the crime rate as many unemployed workers resorted to petty theft to put food on the table. Suicide rates rose, as did reported cases of malnutrition. Prostitution was on the rise as desperate women sought ways to pay the bills." This is a more graphic quote about how desperate we got during the great depression. People got depressed, here is a graph of suicide rates.
  • FDR 1933 / 1945 new deal/ depression

    FDR 1933 / 1945 new deal/ depression
    FDR came into office during the heart of the great depression. He tried to combat it by making the New Deal. The New Deal was a series of programs and other projects designed to combat and help with the great depression. ( Those new deal acts include EBRA, CCC, AAA, TVA, NIRA, PWA, SEA, and NHA ( these acts all had different jobs to combat the great depression. That did help greatly but the thing that got us out of the great depression was ww2 cause everyone had a job