420px 1900s decade montage

The 1900's to 1930's

  • 8/sep/1900

    A powerful hurricane hits Galveston, Texas, USA killing about 8,000.
  • The 1900's decade

    The 1900's decade
    The first decade of the 20th century from January 1, 1900 to December 31, 1909 is sometimes referred to as the 1900s, "the nineteen hundreds", although this term can equally be used for the years 1900–1999. "The aughts" or "naughts" (aught-aught through aught-nine) was one of the more popular contemporary terms for this decade.[citation needed] The Edwardian era (1901-1910) covers a
  • 19/apr/1902

    A magnitude 7.5 earthquake rocks Guatemala, killing 2,000.
  • May 8, 1902

    May 8, 1902
    — In Martinique, Mount Pelée erupts, destroying the town of Saint-Pierre and killing over 30,000. An earthquake and tsunami destroys Messina, Sicily and Calabria, killing over 70,000 people.
  • February 7, 1904

    February 7, 1904
    The Great Baltimore Fire in Baltimore, USA destroys over 1,500 buildings in 30 hours
  • apr/19/1906

    The 1906 San Francisco earthquake (estimated magnitude 7.8) on the San Andreas Fault destroys much of San Francisco, USA, killing at least 3,000, with 225,000–300,000 left homeless, and $350 million in damages.
  • January 22, 1906

    January 22, 1906
    The SS Valencia strikes a reef off Vancouver Island, Canada, killing over 100 (officially 136) in the ensuing disaster.
  • April 7, 1906

    April 7, 1906
    Mount Vesuvius erupts and devastates Naples
  • dec/28/1908

    An earthquake and tsunami destroys Messina, Sicily and Calabria, killing over 70,000 people.