18th century image

The 18th Century

  • Louise Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun (French Painter)

    Louise Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun (French Painter)
    Born in Paris in 1755, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun’s journey to fame and success was rapid. Having received some training from her portraitist father, who died when she was 12, she was encouraged to continue her artistic studies although, being a woman, she did not have access to formal training and by the age of 15 she had already developed a modest clientele for her portraits.
  • Rosa Bonheur (French artist)

    Rosa Bonheur (French artist)
    Rosa Bonheur, a 19th-century woman who achieved a successful career, served as a role model for future generations of women artists.
    Born in Bordeaux, Bonheur moved to Paris with her family in 1829. She was trained by her father, a minor landscape painter. While unconventional in her ambitions and personal conduct, Bonheur was traditional in her working method. She studied her subjects carefully and produced many preparatory sketches before she applied paint to canvas.