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The 18th Amendment

By Jcigs
  • Why they banned beer

    Beer was a depressant during the 1920s it was cheap and was fun for a lot of people but, then it got out of hand and everyone was using it too much. Accidents were happing and this was during prohibition. During the time more amendments were being added to the constitution and they made the 18th amendment that banned the sale, manufacturing, and transportation of beer. Our federal government did this to reduce crimes and corruption as well as social problems in general.
  • The 18th amendment

    The 18th amendment
    The 18th amendment was ratified by states, which prohibited The manufacturing, transportation, and sale of alcohol within the united states.
  • The differences and what not

    The differences and what not
    The 21st Amendment repealed prohibition, The 18th prohibited the transportation and the manufacturing of alcohol in 1919
  • Period: to

    The end and the beginning

    The Eighteenth Amendment was repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment on December 5, 1933. It is the only amendment to be repealed.
  • Bootleggers and gangsters

    Bootleggers and gangsters
    George was convicted by the jury of thousands of violations and Breaking the law. He created one of the most successful bootlegging operations of prohibition.
  • The Impact

    The Impact
    After the 18th amendment came bootlegging distribution and illegal activity involving alcohol became widespread. The transportation and everything that came with selling and buying alcohol were bad and a lot of bad things happened to a lot of bad people and good as well.
  • Al Capone

    Al Capone
    Al Capone was an American businessman and a gangster. He was a bootlegger and during the 1920s was selling Illegally alcohol and distributing it as well he didn't do this all the time only the time when the price was up.
  • The lasting

    The lasting
    Everyone was in love with alcohol at this time and bootleggers and others were making a lot of money from this so people would never stop even when it was banned in 1920
  • Robert glen

    Robert glen
    Before Nascar Robert glen was a famous moonshiner and before the cars came he had to sit behind some bars. I believe he was sent to prison when he was just a young boy because he was always working in his father's shop
  • The end

    The end
    All in all the 18th amendment was just a symbol and kind of a threat to stop drinking beer but, I think the 18th amendment just made more problems and cauis during the 1920s. Plus it was ratified and repealed over the 21st Amendment and it was the first amendment ever to be reapeld. It just made matters worse!