In 1585 Queen Elizebith peacefully let a man named Walter Raleigh send about 100 of his men to Ranoke Island after many explorers said it was a sfe settlement !!!! -
Jhon White was put in incharge of a new location in 1587 sadly they found men killed by Native Americans!!!! -
In the banks of Verginias , James River ,100 men landed there in 1607 but the water was not good to drink !!!! -
Captain smith became very ill in 1609 and had to stop comming around the settlement !! -
Four years later wich is 1613 a guy named Jhon Smith had eventually died !!!!! -
This year is very important to a town named Jamestown!!!! -
the Mayflower was getting many passengers in the year 1620 -
This is almost the end of the travle in the Mayflower as they were in the boat for at least four months !! -
By 1621 a man named Squanto had tought them how to many things they did not know so on a day of November (on Thanksgiving) they had made a celebration and ayears after that they called that particular day Thanksgiving!!!! -
Since the puritins in the New England colinies didn't accept the Quaker , King Charles II decided in 1681 to give William Penn land in the New World!! William Penn was a Quaker and they were not acepted almost any where !!!! -
Period: to
The 13 Colonies
1. 1585 2. 1587 3. 1607 4. 1609 5. 1613 6. 1619 7. 1620 8. 1620 9. 1621 10. 1681