My birthstory
I was born on March 21, 2000. My parents found out about me on March 26, 2000. Stacey and Mollie from The Adoption Alliance agency called them on a Sunday to tell them about me. Bubbe and my Mom came to Texas to pick me up. They came to get me from the agency office on April 3, 2000. Mom was so scared, she was shaking, and couldn’t even take me to hold me. Bubbe grabbed me and introduced herself – “hello, I’m your Bubbe”. -
my first plane ride
my first airplane ride was when i was adopted from Texas i was i was 15 days old. -
my first word
i was laying on the table with my daddy holding me and i was babbling "Abba" and my daddy thought i was calling his name. till he relized babys say "abba" all the time! -
First baby steps
My first baby steps were when i was one year old and i was holding my favorite basket when my daddy walked through the back door and i took three of my first steps towards him. -
my first pair of shoes
Shortly after i started walking, Bubbe and my mom took me to Stan’s shoe shack, to get my first “real” pair of shoes. i was not a happy camper to have to put something on my feet. i cried a lot. my mom took the shoes home and put them on the floor with some of my other toys, so that i could get used to them. -
my baby brother was born
my mom gave birth to my brother at 12:43 pm i was very happy to have a baby brother. -
My first day of kindergarten
my first day of kindergarten was at the y in highland park and i was SO nervous that i wouldnt make any friends but i did -
My first siddur
i got my first siddur in 1st grade at R.P.R.Y. -
when i first learned to ride a bike
my daddy held the back of the bike and let go without me noticing and i pedeled a few seconds before i relized my dad let go and then i fell over. -
when i first lost my tooth
when i was 7 i bit into a peice of meat at as resturaunt and i ended up loosing it somewhere in the hotdog. i got 5 bucks from my bubbe for loosing it litterly and just loosing it. -
when i got my cat
My first pet was a cat, his name is joey and i got him from my parents freind. -
when i got my ears peirced
i was afraid to get my ears peirced at first but then my dad got an ear done so he can show me that it didnt hurt and he was right!