The 10 Deadliest Tornadoes in US History

  • New Richmond, Wisconsin

    New Richmond, Wisconsin
    On a hot afternoon in June, Wisconsin was struck by a tornado that killed 117 people, making it the 9th deadliest tornado in U.S history. There was rise of people in the area as the circus was town and many victims were unsuspecting visitors who were leaving the circus to go back home. The tornado itself was not that large in the grand scheme of things, but the tragic timing inflated the death toll numbers much more than it would've been.
  • Flint, Michigan

    Flint, Michigan
    In 1953, Flint, Michigan was hit with a tornado that killed 115 people, and injured 844 people. A tornado formed by the same weather system killed 94 people in Massachusetts the following day. This was the 10th deadliest tornado in American history. In late August, 8,000 volunteers participated in a weekend project known as "Operation Tornado" put in 80,000 hours of work and built 193 houses as apart of the recovery process