That War That I had a Grand dad in

  • canada's response

    canada's response
    thought events of the 1930's canada tried isolationism. king didn't want Canada to become part in another world conflict and had hoped that britains policy of appeasement toward hitler would be successful. many in canada believed what was happing in germany would not effic them. canada was just starting to come out of the depression at this time.
  • casues

    after the first worled war Italy and germany felt cheated by the treaties. same japan wanted more access to more racecourses to help support its industries. Hitler cam in power in 1933 he wanted germany to be a powerful nation again. he planned on taking back Territory for Germany so Hitler ordered troops into Rhineland.
  • Change in Canada

    Change in Canada
    The Second World War had many long-lasting economic, social, and political effects on Canada. Canada had supplied both soldiers and an arsenal, which had provided Britain with the weapons and resources it needed to resist Germany from 1939 and onwards. The Canadian society was also changed in several ways. Women had a large amount of employed during the war. There was also a significant wave of immigration. Immigration was loosened with some restrictions but for the most part, was unchanged. Can
  • the begining

    the begining
    september 1, 1939 germany invade poland Britain declared war. going to war would be a canadian choice this time. woodsworth, argued again going to war. he believed nothing could be settled by war. on september 10,1939 all the votes were in and canada deiced to join the war the bcatp was a training program for air plains it trained over 130000 it cost $2.2 billion.
  • axis 1

    axis 1
    the germans surried the allied forces at the english channel in dunkirk. if the britan lost the would lose a chunk of there army they had to escape before the germans took over the town. the britash navy rounded up lots of boats so they could rescue soliders. two days later germany bombed the port. hitler ordered planed to go to briatin and bomb them over many weeks the finally stoped many lost there life to the blizs.
  • The War At Home

    The War At Home
    Canadians had contributed much to the war. Supplies and war materials were produced by Canadian factories. Woman had joined war industries in unusual roles at the time. But women were in high demand as factory workers had moved. Production and employment had increased giving people more money to spend. In 1941, the wartime prices and trade froze all wages and prices to try to prevent inflation. The Federal governments wartime prices and trade board was also established and the federal government
  • Canada’s Contributions

    Canada’s Contributions
    Canada played a big part in the war by build and training the Royal Canadian Navy and Air force. Canadian’s sent supply ships to help the Allies but were stopped German U-boats called “wolf packs”, Most of the wolf packs cut off the vital shipping routes. In 1941 The Women’s Division was created their job was to ferry bombers but never to take part in combat
  • War in the Pacific

    War in the Pacific
    The battle of Hong Kong began with Japan’s campaign to invade North America as well Southeast Asia, Japan wanted control of oil, rubber and tine. So by creating a large air force they strike Pearl Harbour in Hawaii on December 7, 1941, with a large Japanese air force destroying the U.S. Naval fleet and killing 2400 soldiers. The following day the US Declared war and joined the allies in the conquest to stop the Nazis.
  • The Tide Turns for the Allies

    The Tide Turns for the Allies
    The allies became stronger 1941, with the new added force of the U.S. military. They decided to give a trial run, testing new techniques and equipment for future missions; regrettably the test run went horrible on the Dieppe raid. As Winston Churchill brought Italy to the allies’ attention, believing it was the soft underbelly of the Germans. But Italy was proving to be anything but soft. After the battle of Sicily and Ortona, were fought. The Italian government was overrun and they surrendered
  • axis 2

    axis 2
    the axis began that would be a 3 year campaign. italy wanted to take over the suez canal. dec, 1940 Britain destoryed the italy forces. german backed them up with troops. in 1943 the allied forces won. soviets were unprepared for attack. germanys ill-equipped for a long winter. they lost 300000 then surrendered in 1943 the soviets took back there territory.
  • D-Day

    On June 6, 1944, D-Day was brought to France. The Allies launched a full-scale invasion on Europe called “Operation Overload”. The Allies launched an attack by landing their troops on five beaches along an 80-kilometre stretch, also known as Normandy coast in northern Europe. The first wave of attack was included 14,000 soldiers and was arrived at Juno Beach. Then there was the Battle of the Scheldt, a series of military operations of the First Canadian Army led by Lieutenant General Guy Simonds
  • Crimes Against Humanity

    Crimes Against Humanity
    The issue of human rights was brought to the world’s attention during the second world war. The anti-Semitic and racist views of Hitler and the Nazi government adopted the “Final Solution”, a horrifying plan of genocide. Wealthy people worked as slave labours at camps used by the Germans, called “Concentrated camps”. The Germans had killed more than 6 million Jewish people and 5 million Roma, Slavs, and other “undesirables”. Japan also encountered terrible war crimes. Many of Japan’s wartime act
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    It started in March 1945, Americans had started bombing Japanese cities trying to force them to surrender. The Japanese had then declared that they would “Fight to the last person” and not surrender. During this time, the American and British scientist had been working had been working on the Manhattan project, a top secret plan to develop an atomic bomb. On August 6, 1945, an American bomber plane dropped an atomic bomb over a Japanese city names Hiroshima. Three days after, there was another r
  • dream team first meets

    dream team first meets
    the dream team first met and history was changed for ever.