Tabitha Babbitt

  • Birth

    She was born in Hardwich, Massachusetts
  • Circular Saw

    Some people say that the first circular saw was iventes buyAmos Bishops in Mount Lebanon Shaker Village.
  • Harvard Shaker Community

    Harvard Shaker Community
    She became a member of the Shakers.
    A group of men and women very religian, that they lived in a simple form and where weavers
  • Circular Saw

    Circular Saw
    She invented the first circular saw in Albany, New York.
    But some people say that she wasn´t the first person who inb¡vented the circular saw.
    She didn´t patent the ivented to let people to use it.
    It was patenred buy two french men
  • Cute Nails

    She also invented the cut nails
  • Died

    She died in Hardwich, Massachusetts
  • Circular Saw

    Circular Saw
    This is how it looks now