Battle Of Gonzalez
The mexicans reach gonzalez and order the texans to give up ley canoon. The texans refuse and while the mexicans cross the river bury the cannon and then fire it later -
seige at sanantonio
The texans, led by stephen f austin march towards sanantonio. On arival they find the battle already over, but begin to lay waste to the city -
Texas constultation
The texans get together in order to elect a new leader. They settlee on a democracy and elect james smith govenor -
Battle of sanantonio
Ben Milam causes 500 Texian solidgers to be led into a firece and bloody fight until the mexican general finnaly raised the white flag and surendered. In return they were granted safe passage, but had to give all their suplies and obide by the constutotion. -
Run away scrape
A massive fleeing of texans as Santa anna is prepared to use all force nesesary to take back all of texas that the texans took. -
constutiontional convection of 1836
Young new delegates meet in order to discuss removing them selfs from mexico or upholding the prior constitution. David g burnet is elected leader and 5 days later sam houston narowly convinses solidgers of rushing to the alalmo. -
Battle of coleto
leading up to the goliad massacre mexican army saround texian troops. The texians form a square in the middle of the prarey and manage to fend off 3 attacks from the mexicans. Finnaly when sharpshooters hitting solidgers the texians surender. -
Goliad masacre
Following the capture at the battle of coleto mexican troops take the captured texans slaughter every one of them -
Battle of sanjacito
the final and desisive battle of the texas revolotion led by sam houston it took only eight minutes to kill 630 mexicans and capture 730 at only the expense of 9 texans -
Battle of the alamo
Santa Ana enrage of the the Texians victory leads a massive army north. The texans believing he wont arive until spring have only little troops.The texans try to fight in a battle with little men but are finnaly beaten and left with only a woman and a child to tell the tale.