
Texas Revolution

  • battle of Gonzales

    Marked the beginning of the revolution. The Mexicans attacked with about 100 men. After the battle, one Mexican was injured, but the Texans received no losses.
  • march of the Mexican army

    Roughly 100 plus Mexicans marched against the Texans. The Mexicans began their march across the territory being held by Texans. Their march ended at Gonzales with the first battle of the revolution.
  • consultation of 1835

    This group met to consider how Texas would be run. "The Organic Law" was a document used to outlined the functions of the new governement. This was the beginning of Texans ruling themselves.
  • declaration of 1835

    This Declaration allowed for the Texans to take up arms against the Mexicans. It began as a statement of independence from Mexico. It would not be signed until some months later.
  • Texans attack of San Antonio

    Jim Bowie and Ed Burleson led the attack against San Antonio. This was known as the "grass Fight". It wa won by the Texans.
  • begining of the battle of the Alamo

    This battle would rage for months. First the Texans held San Antonio after the surrender of Gen. Cos, then later they would be defeated at the battle of the Alamo.
  • surender of Mexican army

    The mexicans under General Cos surrendered San Antonio to the Texans. This followed the Siege of Bexar. It marked only the beginning of the battle for the city of San Antonio.
  • siege of the Alamo begins

    The Texans held camp in the Missions of San Antonio known as the Alamo. Santa Anna's army outnumbered the Texans. The Siege ended on March 6th 1836 with the loss of the Alamo to the Mexican army.
  • Texas declaration of indepindence

  • Texans declaration of independence

    Members of teh Convention of 1836 formally signed the Texas Declaration of Independence. An interim governement was formed to create the Republic of Texas.
  • end of the battle of the Alamo

    Ended with the defeat of the Texns by Santa Anna. All 186 Texans defending the Alamo were killed.
  • constitution of 1836 gets started on

    This constitution was written between the 6th of March and the the 20th of April 1836. It laid the groundwork for the Republic of Texas. The newly elected governement of Texas would approve this constitution after the Sam Houston defeated the Mexicans at the Battle of San Jacinto.
  • runaway scrape

    This began as the Mexicans moved to destroy the Texans held up in the Alamo. It was a period of panic as the Mexican army moved across Texas killing in its path. It ended at the Battle of San Jacinto.
  • swearing in of the Texas government officials

    The swearing in of the Texas elected governement was held. This marked the beginning of the rule of the Republic of Texas. After this event, Texas woul dbegin to stand as independent of Mexico.
  • battle of Refugio/Coleto (Goliad massacre)

    In retributution for the acts being carried out across Texas, Santa Anna ordered all the men that had surreneded in Goliad to be massacred. Thes men were martyered along with the defenders of the Alamo. Retribution would be paid out to Mexico at the Battle of San Jacinto.
  • constitution of 1836 finished

    Constitution concluded and ready to begin the work of building the Republic of Texas.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    This decisive battle led by Sam Houston turned the tide for Texas. Their victory over Santa Anna's Mexican army marked the turn in the Texas Revolution and the beginning of Texas aa a Republic.