Texas Independece

  • 1823

    Mexico passes the General Colonization Law, to encourage settlement and economic growth in the remote Mexican
    land of Texas.
  • 1824

    Texas and Coahuila are joined as a single Mexican state.
  • 1828

    Mier y Teran is sent on a fact-finding mission to Texas by the Mexican
    government. Because of U.S. interest in Texas and the large number of
    Anglo settlers flowing into Mexico.
  • 1829

    In his report to the Mexican government, Mier y Teran recounts that the
    Americans living in the Nacogdoches area outnumber Mexicans 10 to 1
    and American influence is apparent throughout Texas.
  • 1830

    In response to Mier y Teran's report, the Mexican government enacts
    the Law of April 6th. This law prohibits the immigration of any more
    Americans into Texas.
  • 1832

    -In June, Anglo-American settlers rebel against the Bustamente
    government and its violations of the Mexican Constitution of 1824.
    -In October, Texians convene in San Felipe de Austin for the Convention of 1832; they organize
    municipalities and adopt a series of resolutions, the most controversial being a request for separate
    statehood from Coahuila.
  • 1833

    Texians convene in April in San Felipe de Austin for the Convention of 1833. The countrymen of the delegates elect Santa Anna as the Federalist president of Mexico.
  • 1834

    -Stephen F. Austin is arrested and imprisoned in Mexico City. Though accused of trying to incite insurrection in Texas, no charges are made against him.
    -Santa Anna becomes dictator of Mexico, replacing the Federalist
    government with a Centralist government and disregards the
    Constitution of 1824.
  • 1836

    -(Feb 29, 1836) William Fairfax Gray, a Virginia land agent who traveled to Texas in
    1836 searching for land deals, recorded some of Texas' most historic moments in a diary.
    -(Mar 1, 1836) The Fourth Convention is held at Washington-on-the-Brazos. It will declare independence.
    -(Mar 3, 1836) Convention delegates sign the Texas Declaration of Independence. -(March 1836) Lorenzo de Zavala plays a key role in the Constitutional Convention of 1836.
  • 1837

    The Republic of Texas is officially recognized by the United States, and later by France, England, the Netherlands and Belgium.